
Well said, sir. I am shocked at the level of venom and hatred I have received for saying that stealing is wrong. I realize these people are desperate but desperation does not make it acceptable to break the law.

If this is the best argument you can come up with after many others have offered much more detailed explanations of why you are wrong, maybe you need to reconsider that you don’t really know jack shit about the differences of smartphones beyond your preference of what OS they run.

People that bash someone else’s

His point is that the lengths that people will go to to discredit a system from a theoretical standpoint is pretty fucking ridiculous.

Apparently you aren’t because Jim addressed that in the very comment you are commenting on. 

Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime

I try to steer clear of the circlejerk as much as anyone, but your concerns are not warranted here.

Thanks for the informed reply instead of an uninformed clickbait one.

Unless they use the exact same technology, saying that Apple’s face recognition is bad idea because Samsung’s is bad, is like saying a Ford pickup truck is bad because a Toyota pickup truck is bad.

Nothing says “I’m not smug” like calling somebody smug for shopping at a grocery store.

It’s NOT fantastic. Identity theft is not a joke, Millions of families suffer every year! MICHAEL!

What’s wrong with that? We always complain about dudes leaving birth control to the woman, I’d say it’s a good thing when guys also keep track of that.

This is pretty rare. Usually in these videos, it’s the MTA fucking the passengers.

I just reread, and I apologize - you’re absolutely right, he didn’t email he used a meme forum and G+ to spread this. While I question this being in a meme forum Google really shouldn’t provide these services for employee opinions if they’re going to fire people for occasional controversial (in the company) opinions.

A lot of people read the headlines and little else.

Most people here did not actually read it.

Spot on. And beyond that, regardless of whether or not his arguments can be traced to pseudoscience, the existence of gender differences in psychology, brain activity and structure is well-established, and it’s startling how many people attribute any acknowledgment of said differences to sexism, while missing the

Very well said, sir.

Manifesto writer’s intentions are not subject to anyone’s perception of the validity of his arguments. His intention was to create dialogue and raise awareness (check). His criticism was suppression of and retribution for expressed ideologies (check).

Hello. You’re a beat behind. He had contacted the NLRB and filed a complaint before he released the memo. And he’s lawyered up.