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    I’m not really sure what you are referring to, and I can’t see what you are replying to because.. Kinja.

    I would encourage you to look at past monopolies - you’ll almost always find that it was the government that helped them get there. Government is itself a monopoly.

    Yeah, no one really likes Nazis. I’m not sure how that relates to Trump or the election, though. Other than some absurd, unsubstantiated, claim (that you would have made had I not said this) that Trump himself is a Nazi.

    Sorry, I was wrong, you are really bitter about the election.

    Someone’s still bitter about the election.

    Pressing all three buttons doesn’t work for me - it just takes a screenshot. Pressing and holding standby + volume up and entering the power down screen then cancelling out of it disables FaceID though. Is there a simpler way using all three buttons that I’m missing?

    Yeah! I’m happy that I read it, but this post basically guarantees a patch.

    I’m sorry but that’s out of scope. I’ll need a Change Request to proceed.

    Image Rotation Algorithm:

    http://amazon.com/getpacking is the official link, but same result

    I was refreshing at 12:00PM on the nose and haven’t stopped - still unavailable. Did I miss it or has it not been made available yet?

    So it’s true what they say - 30 is the new 50.

    They should continue monetizing it and donate all proceeds to emergency services to try and recoup their costs saving this moron.

    You wouldn’t feel that way if some idiot did something obviously dangerous and then tied up emergency services from saving your life or the life of someone you care about. The only reason you feel that way is because the people this moron may have endangered are faceless.

    Came here to write just that.

    I honestly can’t imagine how exhausting your mental gymnastics must be. Government (Trump) is the problem, but also the solution (more regulation).

    Ha! Thanks for playing. Please come again.

    If it was so widely supported and wildly popular, it’d be a law! If you want it to be a law, the regulations need to be rolled back. It would be highly unusual for Congress to bother solving a problem that a regulatory body is already solving. And of course until it’s written into law, there’s always the chance that

    First of all, I’m not moving the goal posts. I have a lengthy position on this topic, but it would not make sense to describe it in detail in every single comment. I try to focus on a single facet of the issue, but sometimes I realize that there’s no moving forward on a particular line of logic and move on to a

    The fact that Trump’s administration is altering these regulations proves my point. Even if you still choose to live in a fantasy world where regulatory bodies aren’t political, if you really care about Net Neutrality, you should want it to be a law - not a regulation. It’s too easy to alter or outright roll back