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    You are totally missing the point here

    “In addition to that, he was allowed to express his opinion and there was no oppression.” He was fired!

    “It is a common experience among women.” is anecdotal. Others are attempting to discredit his essay because of his sources - where are yours?

    Do you have any of the qualifications that you state that he needs to discuss this topic? If not, why do you feel that you are qualified to discuss it? Why do your own rules only apply to others? This is the authoritarian, oppressive, echo chamber he’s referring to.

    Please tell me more about how only specifically appointed people are permitted to discuss diversity, genders, and the like, and how that is not the exact authoritarian culture he was bringing to light.

    Yikes. It sounds like you have a lot of personal issues to work out. I can assure you that is not every woman’s experience. If your parents encouraged you to not follow your dreams, I’m really sorry about that, but that isn’t society’s fault. If your teachers, parents, and SO advised you as a teen to “do something

    Sigh. That is not what he said. He did not say that women are less suited for certain professions. He’s talking about innate preference. If you have already decided to hate the guy because he’s a white guy, that’s fine, but at least be honest about your own bias. I imagine right now you are appalled - “I’m not

    Right. No one can disagree that there are differences. Do they play a role in perceived inequality? We might never know because we aren’t allowed to discuss that.

    Yes that’s clear to me now lol.

    Thank you for this. I’ve received a lot of replies to my comment, and they pretty much all boil down to “his point is invalid” or “we’ve already discussed this enough”, as if there was some big meeting that I apparently wasn’t invited to, where some panel made these determinations. When people refer to the “thought

    Not around here they can’t.

    No, I just didn’t see value in debating that point, so I glossed over it in pseudo agreement to get to the meat of the argument.

    I would disagree that that’s what he’s doing here - he seems well-intentioned. Your garden variety racist or sexist might sound similar, but ultimately their suggestions and goals are radically different. His goal isn’t to allow rampant sexism, for example - he in fact acknowledges the existence of sexism - but

    I disagree that every single one of his arguments has been debunked. In some cases, this mentality could be encroaching on a proof by assertion.

    Thank you - this is the first honest criticism I’ve seen.

    Thank you for providing an example of the kind of dismissive tactics that I am referring to.

    His argument isn’t that this discrimination is in some way harming straight white guys on some large scale, but rather that it’s divisive. That you can’t solve discrimination with more discrimination. He proposes inclusive solutions. It’s funny to me that those who supposedly oppose discrimination laugh at the idea

    Where did he argue that women were not as capable as men? I am honestly asking, because I did not read that. What I am finding is that many people are reading between the lines and finding arguments he isn’t making. Even if you want to disqualify his arguments involving differences between men and women for debate

    LOL thanks - I’m loving the intellectual honesty here in the comments today.

    Yeah, I just tend to not really respect people or ideologies who respond by asserting that opposing arguments aren’t worth being debated for one reason or another. Any position worth supporting can be sufficiently defended. If your response to thoughtful opposition is to disqualify it for debate, there’s a good