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    We’ve been living high on the hog these last few years: getting mammograms and colonoscopies whenever we need them, vaccinating ourselves against cancer-causing viruses for free

    As a guy, I find this situation really easy. If I think a woman is pregnant, I’ll offer her my seat. You don’t need to say why you are offering someone your seat. If she’s pregnant, she’ll know. If she isn’t, she’ll just think you’re being a gentleman. This could probably apply to women, too - the maybe-pregnant

    You’ve screenshotted two relatively nice responses, out of context, to not-so-nice comments. How does that involve you again? You realize there are several concurrent conversations going on here, right?

    From the moment you joined this thread you’ve been condescending and nasty. You had no intention of having a cordial and honest discussion, and you know it. Don’t try to pretend now that you’re just reacting.

    Watch this: You obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

    You are so angry about this thread. I love it.

    Actually, positive reinforcement is powerful and effective on all kinds of minds. It just works better when it’s not preceded by corrosive, condescending, uneducated, hollow criticism.

    That’s fine, but then you can’t also claim intellectual superiority. That’s something you need to demonstrate, not proclaim then refuse to substantiate.

    With such a small sample size, the percentage is meaningless and pointless to compare to any standard figures.

    Their reply was to my OP. Maybe that’s a failure on Kinja’s end - but how am I to know? There’s a lot of replies in this thread. I can’t assume that everyone is replying to every one of my posts - all I can do is read each post in the context of it being a reply to whatever Kinja says it is in reply to.

    Mission accomplished!

    Show me you are worth the time with a coherent argument against mine. Dropping by just to tell me I’m stupid doesn’t do anything for either of us.

    Please elaborate on where you and I disagree.

    Thank you. I think I assumed that readers were able to picture what this looked like from the recipient’s side, but that may not always be the case, leading to a big misunderstanding over what exactly transpired here. I should been more explicit earlier on. But, you know, the moment anyone sees something they

    I recommend taking a few reading and writing classes before you graduate.

    I thought it might be. I just wasn’t sure enough to comment on it.

    Thanks? I don’t know if you know this or not, but I’m not here for your opinion. It doesn’t matter to me.

    You seem to be putting a lot of effort into debating an argument you deem irrelevant.

    You realize you’re transparent, right? You drop in, say I moved some goal posts, making you feel intellectually superior, then refuse to engage. Piss off.

    No, of course not. Have you read this thread in its entirety? I realize Kinja makes that very difficult.