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    It’s worth noting that the Reserve increases the portal redemption value of your Ultimate Rewards points (even those earned on other cards) to 1.5 cents, compared to the Preferred’s 1.25 cents. If you’re sitting on 100k points, that’s an extra $250 just for having the card.

    It’s worth noting that the Reserve increases the portal redemption value of your Ultimate Rewards points (even those

    It’s worth noting that most people are not one accident away from going bankrupt, because most providers will accept some kind of payment plan (whether that be for the portion you owe due to a high deductible, or the entire bill because you don’t have insurance). Providers are happy to be paid at all, so they are

    I agree - other than the rust issue, it’s fantastic. It literally has never moved, and I’ve got mine loaded, too.

    I agree - other than the rust issue, it’s fantastic. It literally has never moved, and I’ve got mine loaded, too.

    FWIW I have the larger version of this and it has started to rust. I’m generally a big fan of simplehuman’s stuff, but was disappointed with this particular product.

    FWIW I have the larger version of this and it has started to rust. I’m generally a big fan of simplehuman’s stuff,

    I agree in theory, but don’t know what that legislation would look like. The direction we’re headed (from both sides) does nothing to solve the underlying problem that patients aren’t (usually) exposed to costs which in turn prevents providers from being exposed to natural market forces. I’d like to think that if we

    Is it, though? Because people shop around for cancer treatment all the time. Source: girlfriend works at a cancer hospital.

    I definitely understand that argument, but don’t think that it’s any different than other industries. When you’re in an emergency situation, you pay emergency prices. That’s no different than if you’re rushed to the hospital with a broken arm, or broken down on the side of the road, or your computer fails the night

    Drug companies and hospitals can charge a lot of money because health insurance companies have little to no say in what they pay for.

    But taking a step back, right now, at least insurers have an incentive to negotiate better rates with providers so that they can offer competitive premiums (not good, not cheap, just competitive).

    Do you live in the U.S.?

    Because after years of being conditioned to view their own healthcare as a societal problem, and not an individual problem, many individuals see very little value in their own healthcare. That’s why so many are obsessed with insurance. And not just any insurance - cheap insurance. Insurance that insures against the

    This post is racist. And if this were a Muslim or a black person, you’d be saying it was isolated and not indicative of their entire religion or race.

    A Chase Freedon Unlimited yields a 2.25% earn when redeemed for travel through the Chase Ultimate Rewards portal if you have a Sapphire Reserve. Just a .38% profit, but better than 0.

    You people are obsessed with Trump’s handshakes. It’s one of the most bizarre political obsessions I’ve ever seen.

    This reminds me of my Gameboy Camera and Printer. Those were the days.

    I’m in NYC. It’s suppression here. If I walk outside with my MAGA hat, I am guaranteed to have at least one person say or do something negative to me. In a broader sense, we are forced into silence in social and professional settings. It was perfectly ok for people in offices to talk (positively) about Obama, and

    I’m still not sure what he did wrong. He held the shake for an awkwardly long time for the photo op. I don’t know. Maybe I’m just an awkward person, but I’ve experienced far more awkward situations than that in my life.

    “national embarrassment” LOL. That’s an overreaction if I’ve ever heard one!

    Probably because he’s used to shaking hands under normal circumstances, not as part of extended photo ops, which would surely get old and annoying for any normal person.

    Trump supporter here. I could give you a detailed answer, but simply revealing myself as a Trump supporter will be enough to get attacked around these parts. That kind of suppression is both why he won and why everyone was surprised.