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    The gunman broke several laws today. He brought firearms on school property. He shot people. He killed people. He possessed handguns under the age of 21, so he most certainly did not have a CT permit, not that it would have mattered, since it still would have been illegal to bring them on school property.

    I would imagine they'd work better with a batter that didn't expand so much.

    Yep! Google is important!

    Ah ok. I actually just recently got used to it, I always found it confusing for some reason. I also prefer scrolling to clicking. It definitely looked neater, though.

    You got it! Does this mean that the gallery layout is gone? :) Yay!

    Awesome, now everyone can STFU up about Apple Maps and we can all move on to something more important. Wasn't some little girl's cancer just destroyed by a modified form of HIV?...

    FYI Whitson, the "here" in "Don't like the gallery layout? Click here to view everything on one page." links to a different article. Also, this article doesn't appear to be using the gallery layout.

    That's because it's not really a toy. It's movie memorabilia. Or perhaps some intersection of the two. It's no different than the lightsabers that ThinkGeek and others sell. They offer the exact same level of interaction and usefulness that these hoverboards do. They don't hover, the lighsabers don't actually

    Yup! It's amazing what you can get with a simple phone call.

    Whatever promotion they signed you up on probably ended. If you call them, you can probably get on some other promotion. Tell them that you'll switch, but not to Direct TV, that's the same company - tell them you'll switch to whoever your local cable provider is. The disconnect department often has a lot more

    Ah! Thanks for that info. That's exactly what we're experiencing. Typically, their software updates are plagued with delays, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.

    Please do!

    Ugh. I wish I had the time to explain to you just how misinformed you are. Unfortunately, it takes too long to gather the necessary references to prove my point without giving you the ability to question my statements. I'll try to remember to come back to this thread when I have some more time on my hands.

    Yep! Nothing makes me happier than when Cablevision tries to get our business back and I get to remind them of just how poorly their customer service treated us, and all of their customers, and just how terrible their service was.

    Yep! TBH their STB's could be better, their latest software sort of sucks (it looks pretty nice, but it's slow as hell and buggy even on their latest hardware), but it still blows away their competitors (which doesn't say all that much). All in all, I'm satisfied. They've done an awesome job, and I'm typically a

    I believe it. I also believe that FiOS is second. I have it and it rocks. I don't think I've ever been so happy with an ISP before. The uptime is amazing. Even through Sandy, when every single power and cable line in the entire area was on the floor and no one had power, our FiOS phone/tv/Internet was up. I

    Just print them out, then scope out the crowd from afar.

    I guess I was more replying to other people who I've heard (around here, and elsewhere) complain about this problem, as if it's a real problem. Finding tools to help you ignore chatter that you're not interested in is fine, I guess, but going as far as unfriending people for it is a bit nuts IMO. Also, I really wish

    LOL I don't think they were expecting that kind of punch :)

    So then I guess there aren't any bad doctors?