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    I just did. And cross-posted it to Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, carrier pigeon, blimp, and I got a tattoo of it.

    1) There is no easy way that I am aware of to filter what gets cross-posted. Twitter just pushes it all to Facebook if you so choose.

    VOTE: CyanogenMod

    This. Video. Is. Amazing.

    How do YOU eat your homeless people? With their clothes on? Psh. No class.

    Yup. While I don't want to see a larger iPhone at all, I don't think anyone wants to see just a longer iPhone. It'll look ridiculous.

    I really hope this isn't it. It's going to look so silly.

    which will last you around 12 days

    Connecting at intervals would certainly be better than polling constantly, but it still takes a toll on the battery. And my point about it not even being useful is still completely valid. Why unnecessarily refresh data on a device that isn't going to notify you about changes to the data? It screams gimmick to me.

    I really expected the next shift to be to wireless technologies. Built in wireless charging, and then an Apple charging "mat" or so. I assumed they were waiting for the cost to go down. Other accessories could connect over any short range wireless protocol. The only drawback would be that no accessory could get

    Ultrabooks are not some kind of new, fancy technology. It's a marketing term used to describe PC versions of MacBook Airs.

    One difference? It's so hard to pick just one! Such a limiting question. I'll give you a few: Operating system, multitasking, and (sometimes) more powerful CPUs. Oh and one culture develops applications with a battery operated device in mind, the other typically does not.

    Yup. I'm a web developer. I've used every todo app under the sun, but do you know where the really important things that I have to do go? On a post-it. As you said, it'll be a long time before something electronic replaces the elegant simplicity of things like that.

    Right, that part seems doable, although I haven't seen it in practice today. The job of finding and connecting to networks would be delegated to the wifi chipset while the ultrabook is in a low power state, however, once it has found one, taking it out of the low power state to update things will absolutely harm

    Called it how I saw it. I don't need my question validated, I know it is 100% valid. You instantly said that it made no sense (to you), implying that my question was invalid, which it was/is. Then you made a useless comparison to a mobile device.

    I was about to post a drawn out response, but determined that your confidence in my not making any sense most likely stems from your absolute ignorance, which is confirmed by your second sentence. Not worth the effort. Was hoping for intelligent replies.

    It's obviously stolen property - I pointed this out when this was first posted. What exactly are the alternatives? That Apple did away with the whole secrecy thing and sold/gave away prototypes?

    Ah ok. That's an understandable concern - I actually used to say the same thing, then got a 12" and it took a while to get used to, but now my 13" MBA feels huge. I'd urge you to give it a shot, depending on the kind of work you're doing with it. The resolution is really high, I believe it's the highest density