
No, it’s a painfully slow, embarrassing pace for a developed country and pretending it’s not only helps Republicans get away with suggesting that the results are tainted because it’s such a patently ridiculous position to defend the speed at which votes are counted in some states.

Racist incidents on the university campus date back to 2008.”

I have nothing invested in this drama but I’m a little disappointed in the restaurant owner backing down. An apology doesn’t make up for repeated bad behavior, stick to your guns and at least put Cordon on probation. If he can go a year without being a little bitch and/or tipping poorly, you’ll give a full acceptance

Tell me when Cordon walks into the restaurant and apologizes to the servers in the same public way he humiliated them in the first place.

Fuck you with a cactus, john. 

In the the absolute dumbest fucking way possible, the guy basically said:

But those who knew her best said that even as a child, she also wanted to work in law enforcement, so much so that it was at a Stoughton Police Department youth program that Birchmore—who never knew her father and lost her mother, grandmother and aunt during a three year time period—first met the then-27-year-old

It scares me that because they’re resigning, not getting fired, and because a lot of the public details are vague (which is probably for the best, except), these assholes might end up getting jobs as cops in neighboring towns or states with no friction.

I also doubt he would’ve responded like that if his opponent was a man. He’s a coward. 

No, you shouldn’t yell at people like that, period. If she yelled back then it’s in defense and responding in kind. Nice try, tho. Your fellow incels at the Proud Boys shindig may buy that, but we don’t.

So, as someone who knows a bit about being drunk, and a bit about being drunk when you’re not supposed to be, that guy is drunk at a time I’m pretty sure he’s not supposed to be (I googled “clay Higgins stroke” before posting this comment just to make sure I wasn’t inadvertently mocking a stroke victim).

In a just world she’d get a medal and a ticker tape parade for killing that pedo.

You know, you are undoubtedly allowed to kill someone when you have a reasonable fear that you are in imminent danger of severe harm or death from that person. I would think anything that purports to be a “justice” system would take seriously the possibility that a child who had just repeatedly been sexually assaulted

fuck Chick-fil-a in all things, but this is basically making up a reason to be angry when there are already plenty out there.

Well, if she hadn’t been able to get an abortion based on a law she supported, and then subsequently died from complications in child-birth, I assume her death certificate would list cause of death as “cosmic irony” with contributing factors as “lack of foresight, lack of empathy, and tribal group-think”.

Maybe. Except she’s not keeping her mouth shut and she could have gone to New Mexico and not said anything either, but she didn’t. Which is why I’m inclined to be slightly more generous toward her. 

Maybe. But I think she represents that ugly contingent of people who are quite happy for things to be criminalized for other people so long as they can buy their way out of the law. I have a feeling if she’d had the money to buy a safe, illegal abortion in Texas, hell, she would have done that instead of driving ten

My initial reaction isn’t a nice one. This basic bitch should have known all this before it happened to her. It shouldn’t be necessary for it to happen to her. On the other hand, maybe this basic bitch going on TV is exactly what’s needed to change the minds of people like her?

If all that people wanted was for LBGTQ people to “shut up about (their rights being taken away)“ ... then maybe stop taking their rights away?  Seems so simple even that troll should understand.

and a slew of other progressive artists in the industry