
haha! or S. Palin.


WWWWOW that looks comfy!



...for the nes, the best thing is to clean the connector on the machine, the cartridge is ok, but i have found with the front loading nes, cleaning the connector inside the machine yielded the best results. it is time consuming, even if you have to take the whole thing a part, but totally worth it!


well, at least some one is thinking of something original rather than another remake or comic book movie.

My BB died saturday, it got stock in an infinite reboot.... : (

First Apple computer I got to use was an Apple II in 2nd grade in 1989,

I could almost include Boba Fetts death (if he is dead ; ). but because it was soo weak, it is almost not worth mentioning...

if you are listening to lady gaga and you are a man, you have NO testicles.

I have to say pretty much anyone who owns/drives an SUV. Everyone i have ever known or seen driving one has driven it like a road hogging jack ass. I have seen 20 somethings fly down 25 mph roads in Suburbans at 50mph, soccer moms in Expeditions cutting people off in traffic while they are on their sell phones. I

HAHA!!! soo true, i bought a camry when my previous car broke down, literally the next day i just checked the papers for what new cars were on sale and went to the dealer and bought it.

Go Vegan?!? you people are monsters!!! those poor plants.

throw one of these in your tank and he'll straighten things out.

I don't get how people in this forum don't understand who was hired to kill who. the article is very straight forward if you watch UNIVISION, or at least ugly betty...


OMG! Wonder Years?!? YES PLEASE!