
everyone nicknamed this the the "Clown Shoe" car in the states.

could probably go on all day about this subject!: )

what the HELL is he doing in that picture OMG?!?

needs ability to destroy itself if tampered by RIAA.

I would really hate to have to work in that control room in the middle.

that is such a cool method! thanks!

"as well as a number of additional services" better mean what i think it means or i am gona be pissed!

i bet the guy was just as much a jerk at 23 as much as he is now at 37. after all he is a lawyer.

that little guy was my personal white unicorn, but when i finally got to the decision of buying a mac, i though why not just throw in another $200 and get the aluminum one.

"Bonzai Buddy" for the iphone?

if the Chinese think we owe them any money, why dont they come over here and get it!!!

the one to rule them all!

Phone books would never list things like your occupation and then be delivered in the neighborhoods of people who would violently oppose it.

proper spelling is some old world stuff, we live in 'merica times now!


Just saw him on "Minute to win" it with Steve O just this weekend! : (

well, its a good thing they got rid of that swamp! looks like some kind of man eating mutant fish was growing in it.

so your bottom line is....

they do when you put fancy lights in them.