
is it just me, or are those ribbed for dubai's pleasure?

these statistics are sooo precise!

@Rav Gar: Rav Gar , your mom passed on 5 yrs ago... who were you just speaking to....?

i have owned several Playstations and to this day, when playing a game, can still not remember where these buttons are... but i play PC no problem ; )

@RigAudio: you can have my 4x4 cubicle next to the server room and elevator shaft ; )

I am waiting VERY patiently to see what comes in the next couple of months but am loosing patience. hopefully someone puts out a 10" android tablet with camera and removable storage, 3g, etc... Hopefully made by a credible company ; ), then i might be sold. sadly i still think its the android market that is the

...then whether apple wanted to or not, they put out a netbook! haHA!

look at the waitresses off in the distance peering at the guys... lol

when the heck were Guys ever allowed to be flight attendants??

that thing looks sick! like a manhack from HL2

WOW, in former soviet Russian, even nerds are buff!

i buy it! i always though a big giant touch screen would be a fail.

i have dying to figure our a theme for my house, and i think this finally did it for me. this is exactly what i have been trying to find!

one time i was starring at a womens feet and she turned around and got real mad at me. i was just trying to predict which way she was going....

so nothing truly interesting i see.....


kinda like the guy who helped MS create qdos, what was his name? oh yah, no one cares...

this is why you dont ban guns!