THEY. ARE. WRITING. FICTION. Sometimes, you don’t pause after undoing a bra strap, and if she keeps going with you, that’s consensual.
THEY. ARE. WRITING. FICTION. Sometimes, you don’t pause after undoing a bra strap, and if she keeps going with you, that’s consensual.
First off, you bet your ass they do: — If you think he’s unique, and not just like most other giddy young teens who get into theater, you’re full of shit.
Secondly, with the overtly sexual way so many actors happily treat one another even when not…
GROPING reported at Local Strip Club... Shocking news...
Theater always has and always will be a highly sexually-charged, sexually open and free lifestyle—OFTEN that’s the only reason people become actors in the first place.
It was. Trumpism = Western European civilization.
Western Europe WAS a collection of shithole countries, pretty much right up until the Renaissance.
It depends on the comics, though. Many are great, but there’s no doubt that F. Scott Fitzgerald or Tolkein is more complex and intellectually/cuturally enriching.
And also how women be dumbass trifling hos marrying rich dudes for their money, so that’s what she gets. If she doesn’t divorce, speak out, and speak out hard, fuck her.
Dumbest comment of the day. “Working” is not the concern. “Preventing extortion” is.
Yet you would also be criticizing them for wearing no pins and showing no solidarity. Correct?
Uh, don’t make light too quick— lots of bad shit still goes down on Pot farms and people ghost like * way too often.
What about the fair fact that there *are a lot of pervy get-naked roles available for women, just because “sex media” is a legit genre?
Is it wholly-inappropriate to ask a woman if she wants those parts? Many women do and say “yes” all the time.
Franco should not be allowed to produce those films?
So, even if it’s just a plain good point, you’re opposed to a man making it?
Exactly the type of feminism that hurts feminism.
Basically, your fellow humans are liars, conmen & thieves. So fuck them.
**Why the FUCK send us to a 3rd-party site like “” for $20 instead of EQUIFAX, EXPERION or TRANSUNION directly for our yearly free one?????? ———————> WHAT THE FUCK lifehacker????**
Aware & agreed.
Only time I’ve fully agreed w/ Michael Harriot. Amen.
Jesus dude! Become a real archaeologist already!
There’s a difference between an “addictive substance” vs. having an “addictive personality.”
One is in the user, the other is in the substance.
Good answer. What a child.
Let her toke & marry her, or bark up something that ain’t a tree.