
I thought it was even more powerful for him to pitch his saber. Was a great reality check. Heads outta asses kids. No more cliched tropes.


No. It’s a moronic complaint. In the SW universe it has always been assumed that there are a bajillion manner of weapons across bajillions of species, the vast majority of which we’ve never seen on-screen or even considered.

It would violate internal consistency NOT to show some new gimmicky & unexpected weapon type.

1. The bombs were pushed by their track.
2. Things that are pushed in space keep moving in that direction.
3. Star Destroyers are absolutely big enough to exert a small gravitational pull.
4. The Star Destroyer was above a planet, and the bombs fell toward the planet behind it very clearly.
5. Space mines and bombs have

**Why the FUCK send us to a 3rd-party site like “myfico.com” for $20 instead of EQUIFAX, EXPERION or TRANSUNION directly for our yearly free one?????? ———————> WHAT THE FUCK lifehacker????**

The eclipse sure was cool enough to warrant all “this,”
but not cool enough to warrant all “that.”

If that’s not a joke, you’re an idiot. If it is a joke, good one!

If that’s not a joke, you’re an idiot. If it is a joke, good one!

Aware & agreed.

Only time I’ve fully agreed w/ Michael Harriot. Amen.

Jesus dude! Become a real archaeologist already!

There’s a difference between an “addictive substance” vs. having an “addictive personality.”

One is in the user, the other is in the substance.

Good answer. What a child.

Let her toke & marry her, or bark up something that ain’t a tree.

$200 in tax handouts but $400 in earned tax revenue of added jobs & spending in the local economy = $200 MORE funding for schools, etc.

I’m a lefty. I hate corporations. But math is math.

Wow dude, I’m very liberal but this shows no grasp of economics, or, much of... anything, really...

Why else would a company build in one city vs. another? Labor pool? What if companies all just built in a few cities and all other cities got the shaft?

Incentivizing is the only way to distribute job growth.

No, I think it’s important to report on earnestly so that it can’t ALL be done behind closed doors...

HORRIBLE explanation. If it occurred to her it would’ve EASILY occurred to MANY others throughout the history of the galaxy, to the point that special “Kamikaze” hyperships would’ve been built, DEFINITELY, to pull it off w/out wasting flagships. There probably would’ve even been decoy flagships w/ nothing but a

Reading is a part of PBL— you’d then have to cement what you read by making something that taught it to others. The things you’re asked to teach and dexterity w/ which you do so are your test, as opposed to just regurgitating on to a worksheet-style test.

I also meant rather that PBL should always be an option, as

It’s not just photo-referencing, it’s straight-up photoshopping from frames.
AWFUL. Shame on their cheap shit.

HAHAHA yeah if you can’t dissociate orange prison suits from prison, all you’ll do is drive more people to jail.