
BEAUTIFUL article. Wow. So well-said, thought, & written.
David Roth wins my internet for today & demonstrates hope for humankind.

SO WRONG. Here’s why:

-“I’m glad you appear to be functioning normally and your body is taking good care of itself; we’re all lucky to have whatever health we do & I hope you survive, neither for which the fact nor your fellow-citizen’s hope thereof are assured or go w/out saying.”

-“Thanks, it’s nice to know someone

1. For “this property is the family’s (as a whole)” it’s “The Laatsch’s.”

2. For “this is where a buncha Laatch family members live” it’s
“The Laatches” (live here)

3. So for “this property is owned by multiple Laatches” it’s
“ The Laatches’ ”

Both 1 & 3 are correct but 1 is technically better, b/c it’s not actually owned

Uh, multiple bags on seats IS just as bad as manspreading.
Why the discrimination??

Nope. A hard Irish-out is rude AF.

Because some people like to look sexy and feel sexy?

Why hate on people who just want to goof off & enjoy their bodies?

Combine sexy w/ anything—sexy Godzilla for chrissake—totally fun.

Male/female who gives a shit? Lose the chip. It’s biased, incompetent & selfish.

But the human eye sees in “local contrast”, so even if projected against a white wall, you’ll see unlit areas as “black.”

Or, that’s why to watch in a dark room/at night.

But the human eye sees in “local contrast”, so even if projected against a white wall, you’ll see unlit areas as

EXACTLY. Unless it brings the standard workweek down to 20 hrs...
it’s bullshit.  Instead, employers just pay less and expect more.

Which is disgusting. The faster we work, the more time we deserve back.

Christ, it’s private platform. JUST BAN ALL HATESPEECH ACCOUNTS, wtf.

I love a serious Riddler. Arkham NAILED him. Perfectly.

Puhh-leeze. Weak sauce. As if the only difference is the line he won’t cross. Simpleton shit.

The difference is in *why he won’t cross it, or *what he would cross it for.

But he would never have lunged at Riddler for that. Not after all he *hasn’t lunged for over the years.

Writers desperate for story...

WHOA! Fucking. Perfect!!!

Actually as a diabetic that’s a significant concern, moderation or not.

Anyone prediabetic (probably about 20-30% of you, unwittingly) should be wary too unless you burn it off immediately w regular exercise.

CloudPlayer/double-Twist, & old-school iTunes, WinAmp, and pretty much anything similar. PLEX rules too.

Ok, sonnet, then:
Oh music streaming services,
Pathetic & scrambling art thou all

Blah blah blah. Living Force Ghosts have been part of SW forever, the strongest spirits basically never die. Sith ghosts even train disciples or possess bodies for their own ends.

So Obi-Wan’s still alive. They will do exactly nothing with that. What’s for lunch.

Sure, but my point is more along the lines that our society probably actually *IS a good baseline assumption-

in which there obviously are and have always been many female warfighters, firefighters, cops, pirates, seamen, hunters, gunslingers, hard laborers, olympic lifters, boxers, rugby players, etc. etc.,

on and on

Yup. Well said. Although for that last 30min., I would’ve watched a screenfull of paint dry for 1.5hrs.

But yeah. Until that, the movie was so bad it was infuriating.

Fair, though why not instead at least say
“we don’t know, but we wouldn’t be surprised.”

That’s plenty conservative and one HELL of a lot more plausible than calling it “unlikely.”