
So the future is also full of more heart attacks?
No salad emoji?

Until an explosive used in a terrorist act somewhere has a “Lockheed” motherboard found in it...

Tremendous targeting of civilians in Yemen. Tremendous.

Whoa. That was pretty bad.

<<it’s largely impossible for anti-male sentiments to “spread hate.”>>

How? Anti-anything sentiments, if adopted by others, spread antipathy for that thing.

Regardless of that thing’s power status. Indeed, sometimes because of it.

<<The analogy obtains in the social-structural relationship between the rhetorical stance

That gives me a great idea. Since all-female-team reboots are all the rage like Ghostbusters, there should be a MAGIC MIKE reboot- but ALL WOMEN’S TEAM! Yay EQUALITY!!!

idk why actual equality has to come first, wouldn’t that be a good step towards it?
Misdirected outrage over inequality is itself an obstacle to equality.

Can’t we point our finger at the real culprits, instead of criticising healthy fun?

“...what’s up the Aquaman logo on her stomach?”
Uhh... they’re from “Atlantis”?? And that’s a good place for their logo??

“And wouldn’t the cleavage create drag while swimming?”
Is NO cleavage acceptable anymore?? Not sure how it’s different than featuring a shapely dude’s nice pecs...

It would be nice if we could

The phrase “Men are Trash” is gender-bashing all males, pure and simple. Any contextual meaning beyond what it says is mostly conjectural, to the millions of outside observers simply seeing those words on a random post.

SOME will read it and go “YEAH, men ARE trash.” OTHERS will read it and go “No they’re not!” And a

The hell with that. I’m glad he’s no longer harmful, but anyone’s death is sad.

HEY- I detest his legacy as much as you, but this man still had a family, people who loved him, and *some people on whom he made a positive impact. It is better for our species that he is gone, but we are worse for disrespecting any death.

OMG overalls?? w/ nothing underneath!?!?!? Hella sexy!!!

Ok maybe all the practical stuff is good too... :P

<<That’s why it’s a clear, structural analogy.>>

The only thing I’ll say in Superman/Snyder’s defense was, in Man of Steel he didn’t indiscriminately murder, he was forced to fight in (and level) Metropolis by Zod, who would’ve deliberately killed the whole town otherwise.

In MoS, Supes genuinely did his best to keep Zod from wrecking everyone. As a young

Nah. This one warranted deep analysis bc you HAD to, to try and make sense of it. Then when you do... you find... it’s actually even worse. The more I think about this movie, the worse it becomes to me.

But “Men are Trash” does remind me of the time an unstable woman kept just screaming “FUCK YOU” to me, bc I wouldn’t agree that insurance should *always cover birth control, just *sometimes.

And the time a bartender at a lesbian bar kept blatantly ignoring me to talk to her friends & serve other chicks. Or when

No, it’s a terrible analogy. A peasant who said that to a king would’ve been immediately hanged.

Also the gay/straight pride thing is a total non-analogue as well. Bashing another is exactly the opposite of proclaiming your pride in yourself.

It would be okay to say “Heteros are Trash” ???

Um. Hey genius- “Women Are Worthless” would get removed if someone reported it to FB. Just like “Men Are Trash” was, bc someone did. #BrainsAreHeartbreakers...

“the way to fix ‘millennia of oppression’ is not to normalize the same stupid shit in the opposite direction”

THAT. Nothing else needs to be said. ‘Cept maybe... “fk this debate.”

Are you fucking serious... you DON’T think that’s hate speech??

Then you try to normalize it by saying you and your galpals often blather that ignorantly when drunk??

And claim the only thing that makes slurs toxic is if they’re directed at oppressed people? But anyone else is fair game for being called “trash” ?????