
Abby Lee Miller has big dreams for her life post-prions

If they were pulling the plate because they didn’t like that it was a German name, that would be discrimination. But they pulled it because we the classy neighbors to the South have a president who has bragged about grabbing women. Sorry, he hasn’t actually suffered from any actual discrimination here. Unfair maybe,

There’s apparently a town in Newfoundland where a third of the population has the same last name. They’re all descended from one of Blackbeard’s pirates who went AWOL because he liked the local lassies that much.

I love this. And also that your Mum always gets her own way.

I know a university professor in Nova Scotia and she regularly complains it’s a huge pain in the ass alphabetizing papers and assignments because 1/3 of the students have names that start with Mac and Mc.

I know a guy with the plate BLOME. It’s his last name, they made him go to the DMV and show ID to get it. His wife’s car is BLOME2.

I do seriously wonder if the California DMV has granted PWRBTTM to anyone.

Yes! Too modern was the exact issue. Look at you basic wooden chair and pin the tail on the donkey. Petit Fours or GTFO.

I’ve been doing research lately on African-American soldiers and nurses in WWI. An African-American 1920s flapper girl who was a nurse during the war would be PERFECT and historically accurate.

I thought the headline meant that one could become an American Girl Historian, as in, someone who studies the history of the brand itself. Either way, I wish I had the quals to do this job!

Nellie had also worked in a thread factory in New York until she got too sick and they had to send her out to the suburbs to work as a maid. And couldn’t read because she’d never been to school but could do math because she had to keep track of the pennies she was spending on food for her family. And after the

Rebecca would have been just in time to take a job at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory!

I’m a white Jewish chick and Addy was my first American Girl doll (I also got Felicity and a second hand Molly/Samantha, I was spoiled). I just liked Addy’s books the best and thought she was brave as hell. Obviously as I grew up I became aware of the problems with her narrative compared to the other dolls, but she

Do you remember when getting the Pleasant Company catalogue in the mail was the highlight of your year? Because I do.

Seriously! So many adults wanted me to like Addy best as a kid because she was Black—and don’t get me wrong, “Addy Learns a Lesson” was some deep shit for Kid Me and I loved her—but I wanted a chance to see a Black doll who wasn’t defined by the cruelty and injustices of the past. I wanted a Black doll who was

That was part of the plotline for Samantha’s friend Nellie, who worked in a sweatshop with her sisters after their mother died. Also, there’s Rebecca, the Russian Jewish immigrant living in New York City in 1910.

Could I help in the development of an Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle”-era doll who is a Lithuanian immigrant living in Chicago and performing child labor?!?

I am not remotely surprised. While I was in grad school the professor of my grad seminar on American women’s history had the whole class to our home for dinner. The class was mostly women (because only women need to know about women’s history, massive eyeroll) and to a woman almost all of us had owned an American Girl

I’m really good at Google so I’m good for this role I guess

My wife’s godmother was the pastor.