
Yeah, I think it’s clear that democrats should be running nationwide as FDR democrats; stressing an economic message. That doesn’t mean that they abandon their other parts of their platform; including tolerance, inclusivity and progressive social issues, just that they emphasize their economic message in order to


If any of the above came down here to stump for Campbell, he’d lose even more potential voters. The national party supporting through funding is one thing (and a thing they should have been doing); sending liberal icons to publicly be the face of Campbell’s campaign is another thing entirely, and if you think that

In our house there is no such thing as too many books. On the other hand each room and hallway has several bookcases. And I’m pretty sure there are books stuffed in cupboards under bathroom counters.

We’re planing on doing something similar. Our baby will have just turned two at Christmas, and she has about a half a dozen books and toys. That’s, simply put, enough. My mother bought us so much stuff—both expensive, desired, appreciated presents and piles of crap because she has a shopping problem—that we opened

This is our first Xmas with baby, so we’ll see how far we get but right now our intention is to buy her “something she wants, something she needs, something she wears, something she reads”. Like I said long term who knows if this is realistic but here’s hoping. Since she’s 8 months old for her “want” I’m honestly

For any Jezzies in the DC area, please consider coming out and supporting Comet. My family was there Saturday, less than 24-hours before this idiot walked in with an AR-15 assault rifle. We were with friends and their child, supporting this beloved local business...and now we will be going there every damn week to

Does BBC America show Graham Norton on your side of the pond? In my opinion, he is the best chat show host that we have in the UK.

That motherfucker subjected his own daughter to medical examination of her genitalia and dragged her through a court case in order to GET CUSTODY OF HER.

“I was totally aware of Yolanda” is also delicately vicious, completely wiping out the exhortations of Yolanda having been “a great model”. Well played, Rebecca...

A heroine crisis? What a shame!

The basics: Flakka, also known as “bath salts,” is a synthetic drug processed from a particular plant, called Khat. Flakka is also used to sometimes refer to the plant itself, which can be consumed for a very, very milder high, similar to how you can chew a coca leaf (from which cocaine is produced).

Trump is Professor Quirrel and Pence is the Voldemort tumor growing out of the back of his head. The guy is a full-blown nutjob that makes Ted Cruz look reasonable. 

Either he will buckle under the weight of his incompetence and look to them to dictate policy, or his massive ego will force him to stick to his guns and muddle through.

Apps and zerts! Let’s get in the go go mobile!


Oh — Emirjeta Xhelili? Of the Mayflower Xhelilis?

It was always there, but we as a society were taking steps towards making it socially unacceptable to be openly violently racist. But now we’ve got the nominee of a major party making open racism the platform. The Republican platform was racist as hell already, but at least they had the decency to use code words.