Jhin Virtuoso

Dont forget Toriyama

A great man. He will be missed.

Implying most of the games named here are not repetitive.

Why does no one count these as visual novels as well? I don’t mean 100% of course but they are very much in line with the amount of talking and text..at least the first games were (havent played many of the new ones)

Found the lazy person.

See I didnt like most of WOTLK

I havent but ive also been getting every alt to 102 to unlock all artifacts for fun.

Tell that to my friend who cried during the val sharah cutscene

MoP was the best xpac.

Can we stop trying to force this crap on everything please

Funny how WoW has never changed their monthly sub.

Because its her coworkers daughter. And because the pairing makes NO SENSE AT ALL OUTSIDE A STUPID JOKE. Mercy worked with Ana on the original team while Pharah would hang out there when she was a kid..just gonna perve on your daughter fellow friend.

MoP was the best xpac

Yeah lets make a creepy pairing canon

Stupidest pairing ever.

He did but it was because he was exhausted.

There wont be the only skins dude so just keep saving

Found the genwunner. Honedge is cooler than most of the generic pokemon in gen 1