
Can’t get into Batgirl. It’s too “cute”. I got burned out on cartoony art styles by years of reading Invincible. Also, the hipster thing, I hate it too much. Now the enemy is gentrification? That no good, terrible, very bad thing that turns shitty neighborhoods into less shitty neighborhoods? Pearls. Clutched.

Remember to buy your Motley Crue tees while you’re down there. Proceeds go to getting their lead singer out of jail.

In the US “Bang a Gong (Get It On)“ and “Our House” are the only two songs from those groups you will ever hear.

Look at mister “I last more than 2 seconds” over here

ET phone hooooooooooo-rgggggh...

I can see the cameo now:

Depending on the laws in whatever state Central City’s in, a voice recording obtained without the knowledge/consent of all parties being recorded could be considered inadmissable in court.

Do you want Savitars? Because that’s how you get Savitars

You know, Moe was pretty mean to Curly.

—when he sat on his own balls and ABC had to stop production for a week?

If this 2016 Election taught us nothing else, it’s that a woman can blow a massive lead due to arrogance and complacency just as well as a man.

I wish I was lonely. That would mean I actually got time to myself. No sir, I live with my wife and THREE daughters.. All ages 10 and under. I’d KILL for loneliness. I get maybe a little time before work and everyone wakes up and that’s about it.

I used to really love talking about Star Wars until some asshats decided that it had to be more than just a fun series. Fucking reddit asshole fanboys

honestly feel so bad for Jake Llyod he was only a child and people ran him off. I think of him often and i wonder if he’s ok. I know his life hasn’t been great since acting but he’s still a person like the rest of us scrubs just trying to survive.

I’d love to see Arnold kick this Joel Kramer guy’s ass.

Wentworth Miller as gay Earth x Snart probably should count too.

The first network TV show about a black superhero? Perhaps you’ve forgotten M.A.N.T.I.S., which aired for one glorious season on the FOX network?

So now two stars of Twilight have become respected actors and essentially proved that they were not why those films were terrible.

'General shiftiness'….sounds very scientific and I'm sure not biased at all.

The moment when they revealed he'd bought the property was like something out of a depressing movie. The evil villain from the first act we thought wasn't part of the plot anymore comes back and ends up destroying all hope in the end.