
[C]learly has something weighty on its mind, but buries it under tedious layers of post-adolescent ennui, dropped narrative threads, and literal aimless wandering

Do you want the mustache on or off?

From your first post, it was a little tough to infer what passed for evil where you're concerned. If it makes you feel better, I've no time for the specific ills you mention, either. (Though again, I'm a little suspicious about what particular beliefs you might construe as amounting to support for them.)

Given what a wide range of beliefs count as "bigoted" for the ideologically fashionable, this is a relatively stingless accusation. Depending on the evaluator's assumptions, I'm not wholly sure I'd want to count as a "nice person" by his criteria.

I guess that raises the question of how much room one allows for "political stances with which I happen to disagree," as opposed to "political 'lives' that are evil." What are one's ideas of outright political evil?

The live-action "Get Schwifty" adaptation? I'm in.

A Sand Snake seems a little unambitious, given the fleet at Euron's disposal. I assumed he'll try to sack Sunspear, and hand Dorne to Cersei on a silver platter.

I'm surprised our oddsmaker doesn't see any vultures circling around Jaime. It's been forever since he was essential to any plot point—his only role for a while now has been Cersei's sounding board. What better way to crank up her isolation (and desperation) than by removing that last human connection before the


What do you mean, you're out of Mingus Dew?

[pitch pipe] Oh……
Through the holes in the poles we will fleeeee,
Sailin' down to the lovely central sea;
Leave the chaos and the madness
For a land of joy and gladness:
Beneath the Hollow Earth we shall be free!

Terry Gilliam
David Cronenberg
David Lynch
Wes Anderson
David Fincher

CHICO: Where's-a this woman's head come from?
GROUCHO: Her neck, I hope! [waggles eyebrows]

Sometimes it's as if the universe is silently mouthing at you, in the most unsubtle imaginable way, "this is me, handing you a test of character!" And as if on command, countless online nimrods immediately charge the entrance doors, demanding their chance to flunk it.

As a conservative, I had the same mixture of feelings about John Glenn … but managed to hold my peace when decency called for it.

No one's pretending any such thing. But if someone asks you "do you like teenage girls" on national TV, and you've earned as little benefit of the doubt on that subject as Kelly has, there's only one sane answer to give. To temporize in a situation like that is just damning.

I grew up in Georgia and still revere our molasses/vinegar brown sauce (which is also the default sauce in the western halves of both Carolinas) … but since moving to Charleston, I have largely gone native and embraced the mustardy stuff. No regrets.

Weak and two days old?

The review says that Schroeder's film is mostly set in 1990. That would mean that Keller's character was teenaged or twenty-ish at the end of the war.

Lynch is always looking for ways to make an experience look, feel, and/or sound a couple steps out of sync with our home dimension. The autotune probably isn't meant to correct del Rio's voice, but to introduce a dash of irrealism.