Or Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities! What Do They Know? Do They Know Things? Let's Find Out!
Or Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities! What Do They Know? Do They Know Things? Let's Find Out!
Any one of which seems like a more sensible hill to die on (if you'll pardon the expression) than the news item above.
In that case, we've been living in Trump's America since the founding. If you'd like to go out and experiment with the immemorial distinction between de jure and de facto curbs on public conduct, be my guest.
"Lokma! Top of the world!"
If a guy's acting bizarre in public, in a way that could make reasonable bystanders suspect he's off his nut, and wielding something that would make a violent outburst extra-dangerous … it still might not technically be a crime. (For example: who decides what's "threatening" or which bystanders are "reasonable"?) In…
A good barley wine is a treat, but it's relatively expensive stuff. If you can drink enough of it (and often enough) to become particularly discriminating and appreciative, then your monthly budget's got more give than mine!
Here in Charleston, we have an 18th-century house built on a ridiculously tiny and weird-shaped lot. Now I don't know if this makes it better, but it's not a "spite house"; the owner built it to win a bet that he couldn't.
Come clean: the new MST3K guys commissioned this movie, didn't they?
The same angle I sit at the dentist's. What could be more relaxing?
"Say … you're beautiful in your wrath!"
Your folks … they didn't give you the "intellectual rigor" talk, did they?
And I was thinking Jessica Walter.
Well, yes … though I'm not sure if you're thinking that helps to demonstrate anything germane here.
But Goldar's a good guy! And he's got a family!
Method Six
Hold the egg an inch or so from the wall. Then take a VERY close look at the shell texture.
[shoves head from behind]
You mean they were in the country illegally, and were at risk of getting deported? I don't think much of the sort of demagogue who'd put a spotlight on them just to make a point … but neither am I sympathetic to anyone who'd treat their legally rightful deportation as some kind of atrocity.
Well … score one for America, I guess.
[Performs slow, sad Gene-Gene dance]