
I wouldn’t put it at #1, but it’s top 5 for me. I loved Odyssey. It has the best combat mechanics of any of the open world AC games, a beautifully realized version of the ancient greek world, and just enough RPG mechanics to make it a game I could come back to and play through in large chunks whenever I wanted that.

Yeah, that was surprising. The most surprising was Angela Bassett losing to Jamie Lee Curtis. I still don’t get that one, but the Academy loved EEAAO and wanted to heap all the love on it.  Honestly, some of it’s wins kind of make me wonder if there wasn’t some heavy backroom politicking coming from A24.

Well, that almost always goes to major blockbusters these days.  It’s basically their “Most Popular Film” award most years.

It’s not, but that shouldn’t be a non-factor in nominations, or frankly winning, either.

Because now there are 10 films that get to put “Best Picture Nominee” on their marketing materials.  And the Academy gets to deflate some of the criticism that they ignore films that have both critical acclaim and box office success.  But that also means that there are some films that will only get a Best Picture

I almost never side with rich douchebags, but I kind of feel like I should in this case. Everyone on here is just piling onto them for a frivolous lawsuit, being morons for believing it, etc...

Not to mention, let’s not pretend that Fireflies were the good guys. They were essentially terrorists in a lot of scenarios, willing to kill innocent people in order to strike at FEDRA and fight against the new order FEDRA ran.

I’m not surprised that Tom Cruise and James Cameron didn’t go. They both knew their films wouldn’t win anything outside of 1-2 technical categories (they were both guaranteed to win something for Sound or Visual Effects anyway), so why bother? Their ultimate award is box office success and sustained popularity. They

Totally agreed. Fun movie, but not best picture. And I haven’t watched all the other films (mostly saw the big ones: Top Gun, Avatar, Elvis, Everything, and All Quiet), but with almost all of them having majority white casts and filmmakers, I’m not shocked the Academy voted the way they did.

I was onboard with almost all of these, but Parasite as best picture? No. It’s a good movie, but it did not deserve best picture. It was not, and still is not, a better film than 1917, Ford v Ferrari, Jojo Rabbit, or Marriage Story.

Yes, Denzel probably should have won for Malcolm X. But in reality, he won for Training Day, but not actually for Training Day. He won because he got fucked over the year before when he should have won for The Hurricane, and the Academy knew it. So they gave him a “mea culpa” Oscar for a good performance, but one that

I think it’s because Forrest Gump, like it or not, is still a very warmly regarded film. So is Pulp Fiction, but it’s hard to say Forrest Gump is one of the worst best picture winners when it’s still loved, even if Pulp Fiction should have won.

Honestly, I don’t blame him for being a little salty about how things went down. He created a successful and fairly cohesive live action DC universe, on a limited tv budget, while the clowns in the feature department couldn’t find their asses with 2 hands.

Yeah, this is a really dumb take. Any person in any job who has success would expect that success to lead to bigger and better opportunities. Of course it was a stepping stone, virtually every step of a career is a stepping stone. I doubt he created Arrow and then said “If this pans out, I retire. This is my greatest

So many of these things are just old car guys complaining because “things were better back in the day” and a suspicious amount of “these features are for females WhO CaN’T DrIvE”.

I have a 1 word response to this: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

I’ve seen all the phase 4 films so far without reading reviews or anything beforehand and I think they were as hit and miss as the Infinity Saga was. If you look back at those non-Avenger films, there were truly great ones (Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Civil War, Iron Man, Thor: Ragnarok, Guardians of the

Honestly, The Conqueror better not be dead. I get the idea of the threat of the Council of Kangs, but The Conqueror is easily the most compelling and threatening version of him.

I wasn’t all that jazzed about Ironheart and Agatha anyway, but Echo was interesting and it getting delayed will most likely end up pushing Daredevil: Born Again back too, which I’m really disappointed about. But putting a bigger spotlight on Secret Invasion is a really good idea, as Marvel needs to keep highlighting t

I mean, we already know that more than a couple Jedi survived the purge and the years afterwards: Cal Kestis, Caleb Dume (Kanan Jarrus), Obi-Wan Kenobi, Master Yoda, Gungi, Quinlan Vos, and Ahsoka Tano. And we know that at least Gungi, Kenobi, and Kestis have all been seen in action with their lightsabers by the time