
Both inedible and inaccurate. Way too many brown people at a Cubs game.


As a goodwill gesture, the Cubs let Steve Bartman put together the guest list for the party, but he clearly dropped the ball on this one.

Thanks for poutine this in perspective, Ryan.

When I had Facebook I never unfriended anyone. If their posts were annoying (There were plenty of people who posted annoying shit) then I'd just 'unfollow' them or whatever it was called. That feature was so handy. This way if they ever need to contact me then they could, and I wouldn't have to put up with their posts.

This cannot be right. For the first place to be true, a substantial part of Facebook users must have gone to high school.

When we used the word 'slope' in the recent Top Gear Burma Special it was a light-hearted word play joke referencing both the build quality of the bridge and the local Asian man who was crossing it. We were not aware at the time, and it has subsequently been brought to our attention, that the word 'slope' is

These are all one and the same. The left tries to control what they wish to be the bounds of permissible discourse. This was an integral part of communism and is very much rooted in that tradition.

How about in the world of web browsing software?

Henry Ford was probably an anti-semite. He published "The International Jew, the World's Foremost Problem" through his newsletter, a direct inspiration for many members of the Nazi Party. A Hitler Youth leader later convicted at Nuremberg said of the book: "I read it and became anti-Semitic." Ford is the only

soo, he's the, okayy

I don't understand people who claim to value freedom of speech, but who want to silence others' (and who use their own freedom to do it.) That's you.

oh, like Ezra Pound?

I think, at least in the field of architecture, one can be forgiven for separating an architects work with their personal lives.

Bryan Singer strikes again.

If you ask for The Dwight Howard Treatment at the spa, it just means there's no happy endings.

Melo ain't no Dwight. Melo isn't in that good of shape.

The kid is hamming it up. Very poorly!