
It's been pretty constant at about ~63% and has been going up since 1997. Also, the number of Latino players are increasing

The Onion is dripping in envy that they didn't think of this headline first.

I hear Isiah Thomas is still looking for a new gig.

Is it weird that I want to rub his belly and make a wish?

Oh go Shelter In Place why dont you?

Call It a night.

Hakuna your tatas? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Kevin Gilbride has a historyof taunting Patriots fans.

Explosive piece !

If you look at the replay, his friend isn't aware that it's intentional. He's looking out at the court and doesn't see Blake squaring up for the intentional dunk.

If this became the opening of King's barely coherent essay on the globalism, he could give Thomas Friedman a run for his money.

Maybe it's been done but if it hasn't Ujiri deserves a Deadspin story on his journey from Africa to GM of the Raptors.


How does this relate to Yasael Puig ?

Damn, do I miss Inside Sports.

Q: Why Did Jon Jones' Instagram Account Go on a Homophobic Tirade?

Seriously. He's also apparently too much of a pussy (edit: or, as champagnedanii calls him, a baby) to own his actions, which seems odd considering his chosen profession.

The Essence of Mike Shanahan, Captured in One Play: Raisin In the Sun

I'm assuming that it was a fly ball and that runner was on first so when he dropped it, it became a force play at 2nd.

He'll probably throw up at the arraignment.