
Bryan Singer strikes again.

Still, I hope he is repeatedly fouled.

Problem is he later asked the kid if he would like some candy and a ride home.

The washington lobbyists ?

Idiotic comment. Their boss is pursuing profit, commerce in most cases. Money taints everything it touches.

It triggered memories of a run in he had with the immigration authorities.

You can't pimp a triple. Triples are for hustlers

"lack of hustle"

Conspiracies are generally wrong in the United States. It's important to remember throughout history though that groups of powerful people did in fact meet and devise ways of perpetuating power, hide information etc. This persists in many parts of the world. False flags happen. There are byzantine conspiracies going

Check the earlier post by peter king from SI you judgmental cunt

Explosive piece !

Your tellin me.

I don't get it.

As in:

In one of her past lives she saved a nation.

How does this relate to Yasael Puig ?

I remember this cover well. Golden era. I didn't really understand what any of the scandal meant, but it was around the time of Leonard Vs. Hearns and I could not get enough of that as a boy.

Would have been great if the lake was filled with water moccasian and cayman

I agree, no reason to be impolite. Who knows what occurred between them. Who cares also. None of the three look like UFC fighters? Europeans sometimes have a different feminine look to Americans.

Hope so.