
They gonna update my Trophy? Or do I have to install it myself..

My signature resides here

That's my routers SSID. Haha dumb ass kid

Anarchists Cookbook.

People are sheep.

Hello my fellow introvert!

Hey, Matt gave me my star so don't make fun of him or I will internet punch you.

I know one thing. It's not confined to Arcadia, CA anymore..

I used to do this, with duct tape.

Awesome, where's your star? You can have mine..

Living in Florida sucks, not only is it humid, but it's also hot. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't humid

I use both ABP and regular AdBlock. With the regular AdBlock you have the option to right click and block UI elements, like that annoying plugin.

The Facebook plugin is right over some text on Google Chrome 13. Don't feel like firing up another browser to double check.

I still think the original Droid is one of the best looking phones I've ever had.

Damn I wish I was that popular

I love how this post is sponsored by Blackberry.

The original Atrix came out 5 months ago.

If you're going to go through all that trouble, you might as well as run the cables through the walls and be a bit more discreet..

I think the title should be "Seriously? BlackBerry Playbooks' Facebook app has only just had events and places added to it?" because my old Bold had places. Even though it sucked.

Reminds me of Dr. Dorian sort of