
Just this week I learned that someone I knew was horrifically murdered (we weren’t close, she consulted for my company a couple of times). Out of respect for privacy I won’t post any links, but right now national news outlets are distilling her entire life, all its successes and failures and experiences she had, down

In a way, the feudal system of peons and lords is alive and well in the employer/employee caste in Japan (not only there, but you get the point).

I actually worked for two different Japanese restaurants during my days in hospitality. The classism and racism among some Japanese is quite shocking. Not to mention the physical abuse. Managers and Chefs SLAPPING staff across the face and don’t you dare make eye contact while being yelled at. The “American” staff at

Come at me (with a limited, repetitive moveset).

The Witcher 3 is a bland game that squanders its efforts on weak storytelling and weaker gameplay. The best things about it are the lack of awful features present in other games (microtransactions, paid DLC) which is a far cry from having merits of its own.

Why do I feel like I’m the only one that remembers that Asriel was supposed to pretty much seem neutral until he does the big bad up north.

When he first sees Lyra in that situation he’s devastated.

The 2018 Spider-Man is hands down the best superhero game ever made and just a lot of fun to play to boot. It deserves a hat tip.

I keep meaning to read the books, but I have a complicated relationship with religion, and neither the “Christianity specifically good” moral of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe or the “organized religion inherently bad” moral of His Dark Materials kinda sits entirely well with me. It’s entirely possible I’m

And you’ve never met kids involved in drugs or gang activity to bring home extra money, or who see no other employment opportunities? Lol, okay.

You’ve never grown up poor in an area with a more robust school to prison pipeline than job market, have you? There are absolutely children involved in criminal activity to secure food and shelter in almost every major city in America.

First, yes I also hate how so many people use “millennial” to mean any generation of people younger than them instead of you know what a millennial really is someone one who was a teenager during the turn of the millennium.

Yup. Alot of Boomers I have worked for are just like this too.

I think this news turns this issue into something serious, not to be dissmised by snark comments.

Besides the fact that Swift cut into her own fan base much more than say Lady Gaga or Cardi B or any other artist with established audience on the liberal side. So, Swift is actually the one saying things that will be detrimental to her popularity, so she is the one more courageous. Much more courageous than a

Calm down, you snowflakes get so emotional.

Not only are they putting people who are in the country legally into these camps, those who are claiming asylum are also not entering illegally- claiming asylum at a border crossing is not illegal. Whoever told you it was just those who entered illegally in these camps was either lying or repeating a lie. Either way,

Concentration camps imply that Americans are putting all Latinos in camps, not just the ones who are ILLEGALLY entering the country

lol You’re a funny guy.

Oh noes! We haz be sullied with the lib moniker! Your intelligences is clearly of the superior! WE IS DOOMED.