
Like Ned Stark, Rob Stark, Cat Stark, Lady, and Oberyn, he's too popular to die!

GoT spoiler: Jon's side burns all the white walkers.

Miles, I mustache you why you even bothered to comment at all.

I think it's shown that they make their faces by peeling off the faces of the dead. So they wouldn't add her face if she was still alive.

Was thinking off brand Ricky Gervais.

Why don't we cut you up into little pieces and feed you to your pooches, hmm? And then we'll see just how loyal a hungry dog REALLY is!

George RR Martin does not care about Black Casltes.

She basically has a Spongebob body: Square torso and spindly legs. It's a cartoon people!

Has anyone noticed The Simpsons only have 4 fingers? This is so difficult to attain in real life. I hope someone was fired for that blunder!

Let's just hope she doesn't drink some Bad Blood.


I was actually a little surprised by this backlash. If it was Mick Jagger or Bob Dylan, nobody would have said anything. Liberal progressive guy here, so please explain why we are supposed to be outraged about this?

What are you, one of them fancy lads?

Maybe the trunk shot would have worked better. Pesci, Liotta, and DeNiro bathed in the red brake lights, towering over the camera.

Utvich, I think I just created my masterpiece.

I can't help but read that in Werner Herzog's voice.

Ronchie died on the way back to his home planet.

The high humidity makes it all the more pungent.

Man I'd give my left eye to see a 30-something Harrison Ford get a crack at playing Indiana Jones.

Hey! That's the name of the show!