
As a platform and storefront it’s not the best. But if your goal is to support indies as much as possible, it’s really the best place to buy your games.

It’s funny people keep bringing up anti-consumer practices as if they’re somehow a better argument than some of the shady business and information dealings going on.

I assume she was the lowest bidder for the job and the court official responsible for securing the contract was too lazy to vet her at all because she looked and sounded “respectable.” It happens, especially in small towns like this. I hope the county has the insurance they’re going to need for all the lawsuits. 

For the father to remain with the kids (not the mother) he needs to first know they are his kids. If he isn’t told and he learns of it later, he can pursue a paternity test. I don’t know how this whole thing came to be and the article doesn’t specify, I am just saying that this is the general concept of a court

I get that Amazon is well documented as a terrible place to work, but Flex really is set up for the casual side hustle and is not supposed to be anyone’s FT job. If it’s so bad, they don’t need to do it, it’s pretty simple.

There is a disconnect here because the Amazon jobs also seem very desirable (to the point that contractors are fighting to get them).

Actually, I worked with immigrants who couldn’t afford lawyers and used nonprofits like the one I worked for :)

I will never understand the childish anger of internet gamer bros. I get the social/cultural/political roots of it, I just can’t imagine being so angry over something so miniscule. I like to believe it’s just teenagers who don’t know any better, but it’s so often overemotional adult men. It blows my mind every time

Game developers getting 18% more of your money is a huge benefit to the customer: The game developer can invest more in the games you love, and has less incentive to depend on trashy DLC models.

I’ll probably get slammed. But this is America and everyone has a right to their opinions.

omg, that is awful. as they are digging/blasting, they are potentially weakening surrounding foundations.

Its ask salty bs. It is not the norm and there is no obligation to tip at a game. Just like every article she does about tipping, its completely out of line with reality. 

Never considered it, never seen anyone do it.

I’m an immigration lawyer.

honestly..it seems fair. if you pre order, its kind of assumed you are going to buy on or near launch, if you wait a whole month, then it becomes store credit. I cannot imagine a situation where this would be an inconvenience for me. i’m all for outage and stickin’ it to the man”, but this seems reasonable.

This happens every couple of years. And the cycle is always the same.

1) Media fawns about it.
2) Authorities get wind of it.
3) Turns out it was always an illegal lottery and it gets shut down. 

If you think they’re going to read 68,000 individual letters and not just pick one out of a hat you’re pretty a trusting fellow.

The relationship is unclear from the report. My guess is that the allegation is that Yeezy Apparel, LLC is not the same company that produces his fashion line, but rather an intermediary designed to shield West from legal and financial accountability.

But car insurance covers you if you damage another person’s property. Health insurance is solely for personal benefit. It’s not like your health insurance can cover someone else if you hurt them.

I’ve never really understood the whole ‘preserve the childhood home’ thing. If there’s something historical about the home itself, such as the secret tunnel they had to allow black preachers to come in and teach Martin the word of God, or there’s the burn marks left from the molotov cocktail some white kids threw