
While technically a kidnapping...

See also: 90% of everything on Kickstarter.

I bought a house this week, and I’ve spent the past 5 days doing adult things like getting a mortgage and home owners insurance.

Random question: Who here uses a top sheet vs sleeping with just a duvet? I’ve always used a top sheet and comforter, but it’s a pain in the ass to keep it tucked into the bed and not tangled up, so I’m thinking of switching. Except a decent Duvet is like $150, which is really expensive for something I might not like

So your solution to houses being too expensive where I live is to pack up my life and move half way across the country where I have no family, no friends, no job, no support network what so ever, and start all over?

Second wave feminists are kind of like your elderly Jewish Grandmother. She probably did some amazing things 40 years ago, but she still thinks “Muslims are trying to out-breed us and take over the country” is acceptable dinner conversation.

The price per pack would have to be absurdly cheap to make me even consider trying to collect sets in the way described

Do other card games not cost money?

Lets just hope it does better than his last comic did.

Because Jefferson Pierce used to be black Superman. He was an archetype all his own: The black hero who wasn’t a gangster, didn’t come from the hood, and had a stable job and family life. Most black heros that use lightning are either his children, or they draw inspiration from him.

So if you make something more boring, people won’t like it as much?

Could the higher debt amounts in the study be partially explained by the fact that the workers that were hired later, after the auto-enrollment began, are younger and therefore have paid off less of their mortgage?

My car died recently. 25 year old piece of crap, but at least I never had to spend any money on it since it was my parents. Looking up how much it costs to buy, insure, and maintain a new or even newly used car, I’m starting to wonder if it’s worth replacing. Anyone have any experience living without a car? How easy

Where I live, the law does require servers to be paid at least minimum wage. Does that mean I don’t have to tip?

I’m sorry, I thought I was talking to someone who’d already graduated high school. My mistake.

Unless, of course, your plan is to hoard as much cash as you possibly can and live a blissful, safe existence in some gated community.

Fuck, I just bought Psychopass last month. Oh well.

I’m fine with tipping people who perform services for me, but that just sounds like those hobos who run up to your car at a light, start washing it, and expect you to pay them.

Does this include money I have tied up in my house, or is it purely counting my cash and stocks?

I can understand most of these but why would I tip elevator operators or doormen? I’d be more than happy to open my own door and press my own button on the elevator.