Will the Patriots lose a 3rd or 4th round pick because of this?
Will the Patriots lose a 3rd or 4th round pick because of this?
to be fair, isn’t Glazer like 5’6?
That’s what happens when you have a Hobbit at wide receiver.
That was incompetent announcing by the MSU guys, they didn’t describe what was happening at all, they just reacted.
Stop it, guys. You know damn well you just copy/pasted that from the last time Goodell spoke on the issue.
Coach must have a bad temper if it takes only one Kelvin to make him reach the boiling point.
The real reason the kid’s mind was blown was that he realized he has as many Premier League goals as Rooney this season.
The last thing running through his head was probably a concrete floor.
We were a few sections over and watched them do cpr for 10 minutes. I immediately said, great A-rod just killed a guy. Almost simultaneously my wife slapped me for being insensitive.
I think Lee Majors is a bit old to be taking the heat for these guys.
The Texas Monthly had a good write-up on this.
Aimless jogging (check) over massive distances (check) on all parts of the field (check), with no ultimate purpose other than to pass time as the real game goes on around you (check), while fans are momentarily amused as the players look on with disgust (check). This dog is named Michael Bradley’s 2014 World Cup.
Looks like Trump finally found something he couldn’t sell.
Don't you mean bonkres?
Or .13 kilometers.
Wow, that ball traveled at least 130 metres.
He’s on the record as saying nice things about Puerto Ricans, though. I even heard him say, “There’s no such thing as bad PR.”
John Wall: [pops champagne]
“Hey, collusions are part of the game. That’s why we wear helmets.”
- Emmitt Smith