
I think Wainwright was more ticked that Erin Andrews kept trying to shill Pro-Biotics to him before and after the interview.

The rock band Chicago once sang, "Does anybody really know what time it is?" For 82 people in Chicago over the holiday weekend, it was time to get shot

So do they just lie to that blind and deaf kid that they featured on SportsCenter earlier in the World Cup?

No goals for Brazil. Not no goals period.

That's because he gets constipated and it feels like he's passing a "Brick House"

¿Sabes cómo obtuve estas cicatrices?

Error would have negated the inside-the-park HR unless Navarro intimidates official scorer's like David Ortiz does.

I told my wife to dust this room today, dammit.

Do they have it for the Google Nexus 5? Asking for a friend....

David Ortiz would have been yelling at the official scorer for not giving him three RBI.

I Believe That She Will Win! I Believe That She Will Win! (in court)

If you need more Arizona, there's always the Shatner "classic" Kingdom of the Spiders, set in Verde Valley.

I was stuck in the back seat of my mother's car (at the time) at a Buick dealership on the southside of Atlanta trying to listen to anything on the radio. She was looking to buy a new car, and being that I was 14, I got to go along instead of staying at home to do anything. I remember we didn't get home until after

Landon Donovan would have hit a hole-in-one and then walked across the water to get the ball out of the hole, just to get another hole-in-one.

Pitch was thrown, catcher threw it back to the pitcher, who faked the bad throw back to second because the runner was half-step off after returning from her lead. You're right, there isn't a pickoff move in SB because you can't leave til the pitch is thrown, but she was "returning to base" after the pitch.

I saw almost this exact play to end a D-III Softball super regional this year. Emory was down 6-2 to Trine with two out in the bottom of the 7th. Everyone pretty much knew the game was over and Emory had no chance to come back. Trine head coach calls time out, calls everyone to the circle, and they run the trick play

It's not scripted per se, but they will change an answer on the board to something "funnier" so you get "Willing Weiner" instead of "manhood." It is definitely more of a 2006-today thing.

Even sadder is that it's a Rangers jersey with Fallon on the back.

It's a shame that his favorite show is First Take, because now he's going to see Skip Bayless telling him he wasn't even the 9th best speller.

Great article. I would love to see a series on sportscasters and what they think is the greatest call that they individually had. Al Michaels has rehashed the Miracle on Ice countless times now, but for example, Uecker, Jon Miller, Vin Scully, Doc, Gary Thorne, etc. Even someone on a lower level like Costas.