
He forgot he didn't work at KNSFW.

I have a hard time calling ACL/MCL tears the "worst injuries possible" when there continues to be more stories of football players dealing with depression and suicidal tendencies from head shots.

Anyone else notice that Winston's attorney and Willie Meggs are wearing almost the exact same tie?

Is there any way to get a minimalist graphical representation instead?

I love Eli Gold (met him before and he's a true class act) but the call of the FG attempt itself was John Sterling worthy.

Vince McMahon sees nothing wrong with this at all....

I wouldn't say Verne was speechless. You can hear him saying something, but the roar of the crowd was so loud, it was impossible to hear when the play initially happened. Then he laid out and let the crowd tell the rest of the story instead of just yelling incoherent things like a lot of younger announcers love to do.

I played the heck out of that game when I was 6. Could never set the record in the pole vault for whatever reason.

Really? Basic pursuit plays get posts on Deadspin now?

"In all, that's 5.14 inches"

Good to know the spirit of the Atlanta Thrashers is alive and well.

I work at an NAIA school that just started football. 140 students came just for the chance to play, even though our roster is usually about 60-65. Add into that our new marching band, which has about 80 new students. We just started lacrosse (men's and women's) three and four years ago and added another 50 students

*Philips Arena

Anytime I hear a Sarah McLauchlan song, I go and adopt a dog. Probably why I have 214 dog corpses in my back yard now.

That commercial is hilarious! A SportsCenter highlight featuring hockey?! Involving a Canadian team as well?!

It's just God's way of making a statement about illegal immigration since the song that the band just started playing is called "Welcome to Cuba" from Die Another Day.

Fitting, since Beamer's VT teams have had special teams as a bedrock of their success.

If only the Thrashers were still in existence. Sigh....

But how many times did they yell "Come On!"?