
Wait, a current government agency is actually doing something to help consumers? Am I still feeling the effects of medication I took two weeks ago? What year is it?

This sounds related to something tragic that happened when Malaysia Airlines 370 was lost: Friends and relatives would call a passenger’s cell phone and hear it ring, but would receive no answer.

“Joke” wifi name? Surely you jest. Everyone knows SSIDs have to be 100% factual.

Sooo ... maybe add some closer bathrooms? This seems like something OSHA or the department of labor or whomever deals with should know about and investigate if it’s not up par with whatever the bathrooms-per-person-distance rules are.

if you really want to be secure, horzeballz88. The z throws em off.

I would just go into the manager’s office and pee on their floor. If you’re gonna go out, make it count.

They start guessing at horseballs01. Eventually they stop trying.

This is why I keep my passwords analog. On a sticky note under my keyboard is where my password horseballs88 is kept.

This just in: UK plans on banning all public transportation of aluminum foil and plastic wrap.

There has always been a random disconnect even with my one x. I use a wired elite. Comes with a durable ass cord perfect for itz

with so much on the line, you would think wired controllers to be a must.

Well, 35 years ago he wasn’t using Mame (it’s as old as ‘97, 21 years).
This is more akin to a baseball player, in his prime, getting into the guiness book of world records while young and clean. Then, later in his career, trying to chase down better records & getting caught using steroids to cheat. While the original

Even sadder is that it’s a score he didn’t even really get.

I think it is sad that the high point of this guys life is a score he got on Donkey Kong 35 years ago.

This is probably the most opinionated piece of garbage I’ve ever read.

Im pro gun control but yeah thats not gonna happen without a Civil War

This is a case study in why the police should embrace body cameras. They did due diligence, they didn’t overstep their authority and are not at fault for the actions of an individual who presented like this.

Thank you for this comment, I appreciate you sharing your experiences =D!

Video games are good at transforming the moments of our lives, too. The now of games is relentlessly enticing, much better than the reality of sitting in front of your computer or your TV clicking some buttons. They can offer the same pull as a drink, the same one more, the same possibility for addiction if you want

“The Diary of Anne Frank”