
I just read some news about this. I'll post an excerpt here, but the whole article can be found at: [news.yahoo.com]

I'm not suggesting I support GPS tracking without a warrant, but how is this materially different than the police or FBI trailing somebody in cars or on foot? Do they currently need warrants for that? Warrants are needed for searches, but are they needed for watching?

See the comments in this Teleread article. Mat was flat out wrong and may have done material harm to the author: [www.teleread.com]

I happily criticize Giz when it's deserved, but you're wrong in this case. Thirteen article back (in blog view) is a post about the new AT&T phones.

I wonder how broadly this patent will be applied. My wife's Nook Simple Touch has a slide to wake gesture.

Best argument for Adblock Plus...

You must live in NY....or maybe Boston. Here in the Dallas area, baseball is still a lot of fun to watch.

AOL actually has its fingers in some interesting pies. It owns Engadget, The Huffington Post, Mapquest, Moviefone, TUAW and WinAmp just to name a few. Complete list: [corp.aol.com]

But it's on an Apple device. Apple devices don't need no stinking security....

See Star Trek: The Original Series episode "Bread and Circuses." It's essentially what a world would look like in the 20th century if the Roman Empire never fell.

I've had a Napster membership for years and have been very happy with it. It will be interesting to see how this shakes out and what will happen to a) my subscription, b) Napster on my Sonos system, and c) my Napster iPhone app.

My freshman year, we had CP/CMS on an IBM mainframe and programmed with punch cards.

I'm having flashbacks to math co-processors...Yes, I'm showing my age.

Well, what else was Gizmodo supposed to do? Gawker is obviously too cheap to spend money on many things a journalistic enterprise should have, like proofreaders, so you know it won't spring for a real iPhone 5.

:-) The link to the tag has been removed altogether, now, but it was too late to edit my post again.

It may save some bandwidth, if it compresses everything it sends from the Amazon servers (a la Opera Mini). I don't think this has anything to do with horsepower, though. It just gives Amazon the opportunity to track everything you do while surfing, which allows them to do more targeted advertising.

It's not paranoia. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. The government is not out to get me. The FBI is not listening to my brain waves. I simply want to maintain an illusion of privacy. I have an Amazon Prime account, but all the history stuff is turned off. Anyhwhere I can turn off tracking, I do. When I shop at a

I don't know about you, but it sounds like the future in terms of lack of privacy. If I understand this correctly, Silk will work by routing everything through Amazon. This means Amazon can keep a record of all the browsing I do on the Fire. NO THANK YOU!

Maybe you shouldn't post something to the blog until you've finished it. First, the article went up and "More" wasn't even a link, then "More" became a link, then finally, the articles are listed as part of the blog post. A lot of the negative comments below would never have appeared, if you had posted the article