
I think 6'3" is best.

I have to say I like like being 6'3". It’s tall but not so tall that it’s hard to find clothes that fit. Woman I dated last summer was 6' and I loved it. Dating someone my size was awesome. Too bad she had all those Cluster B issues. 

IMO, the basis for the answer is the same one as when you ask someone if they like their kids school. If you’re kid is doing great, you’ll probably say yes. If your kid is struggling, you’ll likely say no.

It might take you a year just to get everything sorted out.

Very true. And as long as he is in his normal routine, he could hide it. But if he was hospitalized, for example, he couldn’t hide it. That’s what happened to my mom. In January she was fine. The first *night* in the hospital she was spouting off all kinds of nonsense. And it didn’t get better during the six weeks

I know KB was maligned for his route running, but his legs are so damn long and he has that long stride, sometimes he looked like a giant compared to some opponents. I thought he could be fun to watch. I’m 6'3" and at sideline level, KB and Cam looked huge to me.

I don’t have any citations, but I read somewhere that traffic studies have shown the zipper merge is faster and creates fewer delays than the “OMG, don’t let that guy in,” nonsense.

Speaking of prenup — it wouldn’t surprise me if there is language in his will that instructs his estate to sue anyone who had a non-disclosure agreement but then bad-mouths him after he dies. 

Good for you!

I realize everyone’s brain is wired differently, but as a punctual person, I just don’t get how some people can’t get their act together and be on time.

I think so many people probably don’t tell their partner what they like or what they want to try. I think its fear of an unfavorable reaction and/or embarrassment. However I think if you start out slowly and let it happen organically, it can turn out great. For me it was talking dirty. At first it was just a few words

Don’t be embarrassed. I figured out my mom was one, too. Wasn’t until the last few months of her life this year, but once I put it all together, the 52 years of shit I endured made perfect sense.

Here is Raleigh on the main routes where the speed limits are 45 and everyone drives 60, the yellow lights are ridiculously long. And you still see some really blatant red light running.

10,000 stars for this one! You are so right. Having never met such a personality before, I fell hook-line-and-sinker for a raging narcissist last summer. I never knew what hit me until it was too late. They are soul crushing. Thankfully, I can now spot those behaviors and tactics. Be very cautious when you see a long

This tactic has come in very handy over the years. 

I think there can also be a subtle difference in how you use the word “charm.” To be “a charming person,” sounds different to me than “how to charm someone.” The latter sounding a little more proactive.... like you’re trying to gain something. 

Although I wouldn’t say I’m being subjected to a potential deal-breaker, the woman I’m dating seems to have a small hang up — the two tiny diamonds in my left ear. (We’re both early 50s) She’s totally fine with the tattoo on my arm, but evidently, earrings on guys are really weird for her — to the point the other day

Thank you!

I don’t blame you a bit for that one. I’m 6'3" and dated a woman last summer who was 6', and I loved it. It was great to date someone my size. Unfortunately, there seems to be a shortage of tall women around here. 5'8" and above would be ideal! I know tall women get grief for wanting to date tall guys, but I’ve never

....... and strongly!