Exactly Auto Guy. Elon doesn’t care.....
Exactly Auto Guy. Elon doesn’t care.....
Yea, and I was doing Algebra in elementary school, that doesn’t make me a genius NOW.....
Well yeah, Apple has a year or two of guaranteed phone line payments. Makes Wall Street happy and someone is paying off the phone eventually.....
He probably got that as a perk (cut of the back end) to be in the movie. I doubt very much he did any “producing.”
Ex military?
Kinjad again?
So the manager said she had 90 days to get them fixed and she walked away. Some details are missing.....
Let the people decide!
Does your unaborted child like it too?
Party with the devil...get burned.
You would think they would read the Bible.....and actually understand it.
It has a devilish sex scene!
Lil Baby is talented?
His blatant cue card reading during Weekend Update was brutal.....
This is assault now? I thought it was just tacky.....
Good one!
It equates with wanting to get away with something.....
You didn’t know your own HOA rules?
That leadoff picture is horrific! She looks like a Halloween clown. Why do women think this is attractive?
Well, ok.....