
Back then Sarah Palin technically had a job…

"Sarah Palin has announced that she’s suing The New York Times for ….attention"

Gotta light?

God bless whoever is in charge of recapping this weeks Twin Peaks….

I've actually kind of hated season 2 the first two that I watched. The melodrama from the first season season was cranked up to 10 and

I was never the biggest Simm master fan (his season 3 plan was so soooo stupid), but the moments that worked were when he was allowed to be a sociopathic inversion of 10 (same exuberant mile per second speech pattern).

Lucas with the lid off

"the complaint includes a few digs at Oliver’s presumed political leanings, referring to segments of “[d]efendants’ broadcasts [which] have vigorously supported and advanced Mrs. [Hillary] Clinton’s agenda."

"Turns out Howard is that one with the company’s best interests in mind, even though Chuck has sanctimoniously claimed that for himself all along. "

". His cackling return to Jonah’s room to mock Jonah over Shawnee’s decision to leave him goes on too long and never comes back around to funny"

I think the hardest thing to really fully embrace as a viewer is just how little Lynch is with taking his 17 hour movie and breaking it down into the confines of individual episodes.

"Presumably not wanting to look like a total asshole, Jones noted, “I tend to believe that children really did die there,”"

That was actually a lot of fun!


For reals I paid for to stream Monty python and the first five of snl (through Amazon prime). Cheaper/less hassle than paying for dvds

Oh unquestionably. And conversely I'm sure Chuck wouldn't be the mental case he is today if not for his desperate need to find himself morally superior to Jimmy.

I feel kind of silly even wading into this debate but " I’ve heard it on his setup, too, and yet I still think Pet Sounds is a lovely, impressively rendered, but mostly dull listen. " is mostly my take.

And then they all died in a meteor fire and the rest of the world lived happily ever after.

I think Breaking Bad was more of the journey from milquetoast neutral to bad to evil.

Even with the foresight of knowing what Jimmy was going to turn into, my feelings on the McGill brothers have made almost a complete 180 in the past 5 or so episodes.