
That's actually incredibly true.

Credit to this show…..

Count me as one who never thought he was funny, even in the 90's.

I was about the same age. I haven't seen it since then and remember almost nothing of the plot details, but yes I can remember bawling the scene where Big Bird is made to perform that sad song.

"Follow that Bird" for the win. (I'm pretty sure Henson was still around for that one)

I feel like Abbey Road has to count. Outside of Because it wasn't used for more than texture, but considering it was 1969 and it was the first and only Beatles album allowing for 16 tracks of texture, it contributed to the unique sound of that when compared to everything in their catalogue.

There are a few times you watch a movie so unspeakably laughably awful, that your faith in the man who made it is completely shattered never to return.

"If" you have 10 billion dollars

Civil war traitor day has been moved to the Friday before. (Not sure when because growing up in VA I do remember lee/Jackson/king day ….always in that order)

I don't have to prove to you left wing politicians are not a genuine threat to life on earth.

Shorter Rob Schneider: "I still exist…….poorly"

How i say how has this community not embraced your wit and wisdom when you just called leftist "a genuine threat to life on earth"

My pic for the most underrated member of the Ebersol cast.

Supposedly Robin Duke was supposed to be Catherine O'Hara, but she got scared off after one meeting with the brief return of Michael O'Donahue

Really the reason I've stuck with SNL for decades…

I'm not familiar at all with his one year on SNL. Comedy Central used to rerun the ebersol years in the 90's, but the only one I remember watching was 82-83 (which is much better than I ever would have expected).

There's no better encapsulation if the awesome of Bowie then the fact he's made a catalogue of albums that will stand for all time and he's not above trolling a message board a-hole with some epic self-deprecating lines.

Realizing now my U2 love pretty much begins and ends with the 90's ….

Whoever Kevin's waiting for, can you hurry it up? He's got somewhere to be.

Still miss Letterman (not necessarily the 2015 version, just the vital, giving 100% effort but at the same time no fucks guy).