
If Kurt was running breaking bad at the time, there would have been 12 episodes of Hank threatening furious anger agains Wally Winterson, the Whites previously unheard of librarian.

I don't mean to make sweeping generalities, but it has significantly toned down the Shakesperean influence and character development while upping the shock value and motorcycle capers significantly.

That may have been sub Stephanie Meyer level unintentional hilarity, given the JUST AWFUL dialogue delivered with complete sincerity.

And yet another plot line from Boardwalk empire gets co-opted on a far more popular show.

Mr. Buck.

It's kind of hard to feel anything for a character who has betrayed all common sense and previously established morality while doing some ridiculously stupid shit for unclear motives.

Because he looked into his eyes and could see he was a good man………..

It gets a half point, but does not fully qualify as we didn't get to see it happen on screen.

Kurt Sutter. Esquire.

Holy sweet Mary mother of god. Nine episodes in and we get the FIRST time anyone has even remotely suspected that Gemma might be lying!

With Dexter, even while the first four seasons were not perfect (one could make the argument it should have ended after two), the show remained a quality-well written drama. The switch in season 5 was like going from Breaking Bad to later season Homeland, and the switch in seasons 6-8 was like watching a special

Hahah think of Sutter and his actual raging hatred of Mad Men does make me laugh.

The movie takes the time to introduce it's antagonists as characters, making you appreciate their loss however justified the bride may have been in her revenge. This is highlighted moreso in the second film, where you spend 30 minutes chatting with Bill and understanding his point of view before the bride takes her

Why are you consistently expecting South Park to take definitive stands on topics of the day? Isn't it possible that the topics are being used merely as backdrops for the character interactions? And that Matt and Trey aren't interested in hand holding you to one definitive point one way or another?

I'm pretty sure that's on his business cards.

At least the Marks crew didn't spring for another torture-porn pad……

Jax "the Chinese killed my wife"!

That's interesting, I appreciate the insight.

What's annoying with the longer running times, as others have noted, is that he's contractually obligated to produce a shorter episode for syndication and overseas purposes. This just means the 30 extra minutes we see, by definition, are wastes of time that can be easily cut.

I guess Chibs' (JAAXXXX EEESSEEENN GOIN AHHNEEWHERE) is not only a threat but a promise to the audience.