
So I guess we’re going to ignore that this was a thing?

What about this little girl. Does she make the cut for you?

That’s the joke : )

Fucking thank you. It’s just a numbers game to them, the victims. Eh sucks for them guess they’re number was called.

Wew ok, thank God for Squid it’s all a numbers game, he’s willing to tolerate a couple thousand deaths until he considers himself scared! Whata tough guy, forget the people who actually get killed or maimed, because for Squid that shit doesn’t affect him, those people are just abstractions who just had their number

Worse than the bombs injuring people is the fact that racist whites expected it to happen

The memo Mark Penn who was a Clinton strategist in ‘08 sent describing Obama as “lack of American roots.” and “I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values.”

Yeah let’s just ignore the memo Mark Penn who was a Clinton strategist in ‘08 sent describing Obama as “lack of American roots.” and “I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values.”

Lol at the graphic. Yeah I’m sure trump fils out a 1040ez, the guy has k1s filed out the ass with income and losses that in all Likelihood net out to approx zero taxable income. That’s what his returns would show and who gives a fuck, tax avoidance is as American as apple pie, but because he saw what happened to

Neo-mccarythism, so hot right now, so hot.

Hilary Clinton: literal cuckold

Isn’t that why we’re all here? Or am I just an asshole

I pray that you’re not lying to yourself

“I’d personally like to hear Hamilton’s take since he understands how finance works”

Wow really made me think

Oh I’m with ya.

All the population growth is occurring in Africa an India. Maybe weshould stop giving foreign aid and let nature do its job. Oh but that would racist. Forgot.

And the genetic difference between humans and apes is 1.6%. that 9% difference you note can have a lot more magnitude than implied as a nominal difference