
I’ll give you a hint: bzzzz.

I’m a bird-watcher and really tuned into bird sounds when I play games and the accuracy is slightly off but pretty impressive.

For instance, the golden birds are Black-naped Orioles which are common in nearby Korea but pretty rare visitors to Japan. But the loopy vocalizations of the orioles are totally accurate.


I already bought it. Got tired of waiting. Can’t understand a word but it’s still fun.

Rockstar is British my dude

As a hack creator let me tell you that this publicity is more than welcome. Even if it gets pulled from its official host it gets shared in different places and spread around to the point where you literally can’t delete it from the internet. People worry too much about this. This is the recognition we want. We want

“moment you graduate”

Watch them rename it to FF XVI

For those that didn’t click through to the Imgur gallery (you really should!) here’s some assorted thoughts:

Grocery store employees don't get enough credit for all the work they do. My heart goes out to you.

Virus need a medium to travel and in this scenario they do through tiny droplets of saliva that we expell when talking, breathing, etc. and guess what?! those droplets are way bigger than the virus themselves. Thats what you are actually trying to stop with the masks genius. Maybe (just maybe!) don’t get stuck to the

1) Not only does that source say nothing about mask effectiveness, your quote doesn’t appear anywhere on that page.
2) It was initially “they’re not effective”, now it’s “they’re more effective than not wearing them”. That doctor is suggesting the opposite of what you’re trying to say.
3) Very pleasent echo chamber of

What’s the difference between the US and countries like South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore?

No, for fuck’s sake... It doesn’t. The co2 thing is total horseshit, just like the rest of your posts.

Also don’t forget Robin Williams: “Politicians are like diapers, they should be changed often and for the same reason.”

“Some people, a minority hopefully, get headaches because of wearing a mask for too long.”

I just got diagnosed positive for the ‘rona earlier this week. Was working at a local supermarket. I wore my mask and did what I had to do. 80-90% of my customers didn’t. If I can do it for my 8hr shift you can be troubled for the 20 minutes you’re in a store. Wear your fucking mask! Wish me luck.


The Chicks just turned their back on 30 years of branding, and won’t lose a dime, because their product speaks for itself.

Was Lady Karen already taken?

I had hope that they’d...woke up. The Chicks just turned their back on 30 years of branding, and won’t lose a dime, because their product speaks for itself. This group should be ashamed.