
I LOVE What We Do in the Shadows. When is it coming back?

Ivanka still has Donald's disgusting mouth, most clearly seen when she opens it.

Also: the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

You could simply have removed your Masters degree from your resumé. Done and done.

Tay and the Hadid Sisters. Smh.

Are they even popular? I assumed they were mainly given away in monthly nerd box subscriptions.

The whole waifu aspect left me cold in Awakening. It really fucked up the storytelling.

I assume it should say "which are effectively just Scar fighters".

I remember seeing Gameboy Micros in a clearance basket being sold for €50.

That’s the point. The piece was not homophobic.

Daria is the perfect sidekick for Jodie. Mic drop.

I beg to differ. One of FFVIII’s defining traits back in the day was that its battle and field models matched the FMV models (as opposed to the mess FFVII was in that regard). The new battle models are now very incongruous.

Minit would be perfect on this.

Yes, your PS4 Pro was guaranteed never to be surpassed by future technology.

This is so cute. Those bunnies are hopping!

Seriously. People need to stop defending this crap.

Jesus Christ. As if they haven’t already rereleased the first Castlevania games enough times already.

I immediately thought ‘Kevin Bacon’.

Shame. Her first and last spring break cut short like that.

In fairness, it looks like it would be extremely difficult to reproduce well.