
Actually, what’s funny is that Bernie actually outplayed her. She won the caucuses and her delegates failed to show up at the county conventions, flipping the state for Bernie. Her organization fell asleep at the switch for the county conventions and should have lost up to four delegates. Sanders supporters played in

Who is failing to unite the party here? Hillary supporters didn’t have anything to do with what happened here.

You’ve nailed it. Never mind this is how conventions operate, and conventions have routinely operated in Nevada. Never mind that the rules were agreed to by a committee with equal representation Sanders/Clinton supporters. Never mind that a significant number of Sanders delegates simply didn’t show up. You have nailed

“People think I’m fun at parties. I’m not.”

Just nonsense.

People have. Turns out a lot of people don’t think he’s innocent. A contrarian opinion =\= a correct or more thoughtful opinion.

Seriously? Is there something in Catholic doctrine that says women aren’t allowed to wear tuxedoes?

Sure you can! Why can’t you complain about it?

What are you adding here?

Where does she say she knows without a doubt the accused was guilty?

That’s a good argument, except that it’s completely contrary to the facts.

Actually, prosecutors have a specific ethical obligation not to do that.

Honestly, how are you not in the greys? Your comments are so consistently stupid it’s astounding.

“I don’t care about actual facts or logic when they get in the way of the narrative I’ve created.” Thanks for letting us know in advance that any attempt at rational discussion with you is pountless.

I had friends who had one. I think it was more about the grandparents and siblings (who were genuinely excited), and then an excuse to have some other close friends over. I’m like 99% sure there were no presents involved.

No, that’s not one of his most admired qualities. His most admired quality is his humorous political satire and his sharp social criticism. All of which was honed on his SCRIPTED COMEDY show. It would have been weird if he had come up with some scripted statement off the cuff to an unexpected question alleging awful

Out of curiosity, what is confusing here? She’s a lightly-talented fucking idiot with no meaningful sense of self-awareness who only gets attention by loudly bleating bullshit. She’s the Donald Trump of Twitter “celebrities.” Pretty straightforward!

Okay, so she explicitly refused to say who the comedian was, so it’s misleading to say she “called out Louis CK on her verified twitter feed.” She also seemed pretty annoyed that Jezebel took it and explicitly linked it to CK. And it seems pretty questionable to call a few blind items and anonymous sources “thoroughly

Yeah, like, so weird how he didn’t come up with a fully-polished, P.R.-firm crafted statement in response to a question alleging horrible behavior by his friend that surely took him completely off guard. So. Weird!

Did Kirkman call out C.K. by name?