What was the point of posting that link? The substance of that article is the statement already produced in full here. Nowhere in that article does it say the independent investigator determined he had not committed rape.
Got it. Because in your other comment you seemed to be running away from any notion that you were telling people who think this guy did what he’s accused of they were rushing to judgment. But your original comment sure seemed like you were clearly saying that.
So exactly what is your point?
No, that is not what happened. No independent investigator said he did not rape her.
I understand what his suit is about. YOU are saying we should be withholding judgment for some reason A panel responsible for deciding these things heard all of the evidence and decided he was guilty. Why are we required to withhold judgment in that case?
But if that behavior is common among victims, then the fact that the victim behaved in a common way isn’t really much in his favor.
Nope. You are wrong. An independent investigator said he did
A panel heard all of the evidence and decided that not only did he commit a violation, but also that it was sufficiently serious to expel him. What else are we withholding judgment for?
Except it’s fairly common for victims of acquaintance rape to reach out to the perpetrator. So, even if true, it’s not that much in his favor.
Still not going to acknowledge how fucking wrong and stupid your original post was? Typical fucking MRA troll.
Still going to keep ignoring that your first post was complete dogshit, huh? 10 people have explained how the process works, and you’re just going to pretend he never got to tell his side of the story? Being a pathetic MRA troll is one thing, but being a fucking coward is even worse.
I love how you’re ignoring everyone who is pointing out to you that your first post was completely wrong.
That is not the way the world works. No organization has to take someone to court to disassociate themselves from them. He got exactly the sort of due process you ignorantly said he didn’t get. That is enough.
Exactly what did I say that was incorrect? What did the OP say that was correct?
Hey, look, an MRA troll who again demonstrates his ignorance.
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This guy’s an MRA troll. Someone said something positive about a woman. He needs to come in and let everybody know that, no, that woman is actually a fucking bitch and you should never say anything nice about her. It doesn’t matter that he makes no fucking sense at all.
The difference from what? You said that had Judd Apatow done what Mann did, his career would have “been in danger.” I said it wouldn’t have been in danger. In response, you posted a laundry list of men (which I’m sure you keep in a folder, ever-at-the-ready, titled “Men’s Rights->P.C. FEMALE HYPOCRISY”) each of who…
1) Who got caught doing something wrong and didn’t pay?