
They reported on it at the same time as every other worldwide media outlet, including conservative ones.

They reported on it at least as early as every other worldwide media outlet, including conservative outlets like Fox News. Show me a media outlet that reported on it any earlier than January 4th or 5th.

Please, it’s not just the initial delay - I’ll concede to you they reported on it the same day as other outlets - however, unlike other outlets, there was no follow-up until I (and many other) commenters emailed them wanting to know how it’s possible that a “feminist” website never reported on this again, despite the

I’m talking about Jezebel. Jezebel is not a German news source, and Jezebel is not going to report on an otherwise unreported story from another country. That is why, like other worldwide media outlets, Jezebel didn’t report it until the 5th - because local media hadn’t reported it.

You are moving the goalposts. You initially said Jezebel was “part of the media’s intentional silence” on the story, and compared them unfavorably to the BBC, who you said reported on the story the moment they heard of it. But, in fact, the BBC and Jezebel first reported on the story the same day, so you can’t

The incident took place on NYE. Jezebel reported on it the second business day after they happened, which is when pretty much every other media outlet, including conservative ones like Fox News, covered it. And Jezebel didn’t only report “on a single person.” The headline of the Jezebel article cited a “pack of 1,000

I’ve read this confused nonsense several times, and I have no idea what point you think you are making.

That’s funny, because the earliest mention I can find of Cologne on BBC’s website is January 5th - the same date Jezebel first reported on it. Why is that “covering it from the minute they heard of the story” when the BBC does it, but “intentional silence” when Jezebel does it?

They reported on it January 5th, less than a week after the assaults happened. Were they dragging their feet on this story?

This is bullshit. If Jezebel didn’t want to cover the story, they wouldn’t have covered it. Lots of rapes go uncovered by Jezebel. Jezebel has never been shy about noting how problematic Middle Eastern culture is with regards to misogyny, to the point they often get criticized on articles for cultural paternalism!

Haha. Nice quote from Obama that does nothing to further your point. 0/10, try harder next time.

It was bullshit when Schumer said it, and it’s bullshit now. Of course, Schumer was discussing a fully hypothetical situation, while McConnell is discussing a situation that has actualized.

They covered 2)

I think the point is that Scalia feels himself beholden to the “original” intentions of the founding generation. But the original intentions of the founding generation were quite often regressive and just plain wrong. Why should we grant such deference to the intentions of such backwards people?

Okay. What percentage of your annual income are you in debt? I’m probably at about 400%, thanks to a recent home purchase. My point was, being in debt isn’t the same as being broke.

Because no one in their right mind would lend you 53 million dollars.

Maybe. But I’m going to guess his cash flow looks a little different than us normals. What do you think his house costs (or should that be houses)? His cars? I mean, if he’s just financing shit, but can make the payments, that doesn’t mean he’s in financial trouble or anything, and really, he’s just acting like the

Haha. Did you watch the compilation. Because Leslie plays on exactly what you’re talking about starting at about 37 seconds into the video. Which is to say, this is a very self-aware joke. No one is “looking the other way” on anything. People specifically think this is funny. It would not be funny (or it would be

He said he was in debt, not broke. I’d imagine most of us are in some form of debt or another.

God sounds like an asshole!