
Like most people, I rarely carry cash. That is one of the reasons I use Uber. Also, when I first started using Uber, I asked the drivers whether they accepted tips - they uniformly said no (one guy borderline yelled at me about it). I think your beef is with Uber and how its app functions, not with people who are



So now she’s saying it’s bad to be African-American?!??!?!?

If Stalin and Hitler got into a fight, who would you root for?

Downton Abbey.

Haha, right. Because the internet is just a bunch of random bots who exist to “hype” things people actually don’t watch, not actual human beings commenting on things they actually find entertaining.

I’m struggling to recall these halcyon days of SNL when they had a cast that was any more diverse than this one?

You haven’t offered a contrary opinion. If you had actually given a well-reasoned critique of anything Coates had said, we could be engaging in a reasonable debate. Unfortunately, you’re too much of a fucking moron for that. The best you can muster is “He challenges my privilege, so he is wrong.”

Don’t worry, it was already dumbed down.

The fact that you throw “martian aliens” and “redheads” into your list says everything you need to know about your dumbfuck opinion.

Oh, neat! Do you actually offer any intellectual reasoning behind your disagreement with Coates or anything else you’ve identified? NOPE! But, at the same time, you get to just accuse Coates of being a fraud because you disagree with his challenges to your privilege.

There aren’t a lot of sympathetic figures who get involved in the criminal justice system.

Exactly. The criminal justice system is broken to a distressing degree. Any documentary that shines a light on that is a good thing. It is highly unlikely that a documentary can establish someone’s innocence. But the abuses and flaws in the system highlighted by this series should alarm everyone, regardless of how you

How in the world do you “vet” somebody you don’t really know to determine whether they will end up as a potential murderer years down the road? I’m going to go out on a limb and guess this was this guy’s first foray into murder.

Think real hard about whether that fact actually undermines the OP’s point.

Our criminal justice system is definitely broken. This is a problem because it has the power to remove people’s freedom (and, in some cases, lives) for decades.

It was not just public knowledge in the comedian community, it was public knowledge period. Cosby was sued in 2005, and as part of the suit a dozen women planned to testify about Cosby raping people. Several other women came forward and talked about their experiences publicly and in widely viewed media outlets at that

Well, for one thing, this was not a stand up show. She was accepting an award. She doesn’t really need to bring her A-material. And she is definitely “fat” by Hollywood standards.

The subtlety required to convey the idea that, while slavery as an institution was a horrific evil, some slaves may have enjoyed relatively decent lives, and some masters may have been “decent” masters, is definitely out of place in a children’s book. I’m not sure anyone is saying slaves could never be happy.