I don’t think that’s unusual either. What I am saying is if you told me that after I died, an ex was going to allow herself to be filmed crying over me for a TV show, it wouldn’t bother me.
I don’t think that’s unusual either. What I am saying is if you told me that after I died, an ex was going to allow herself to be filmed crying over me for a TV show, it wouldn’t bother me.
I’m not sure why they should need to not use the footage when she specifically consented to continue to be filmed. If they are not going to use the footage, what’s the point of asking, and what’s the point of her giving permission?
Enjoy your death! That seems reasonable!
What is wrong with you? I explained my disagreement with you in a perfectly respectful manner, and you acted like I was way off base or wrong in doing so. You can fuck off with your condescending shit. Aren’t you done? Enjoy your day, asshole.
I can see why you’re outraged over this, looks like your outrage button is set at hair trigger. I have been nothing but respectful. We have a difference of opinion on this, but I have not acted like it’s “offensive” for you to have your opinion. I disagree with your opinion, like you disagree with mine.
Me? I’d be more concerned with the fact that I was dead than with whether an ex-wife from 40 years ago agreed to let herself be filmed crying over me.
Hmmm...I think people who are saying a show called Big Brother is whose entire gimmick is filming people 24/7 who think this isn’t the point of the show don’t understand the point of the show.
But she agreed to continue filming. Why should anyone be mad at the show for doing what so agreed to do? They gave her the option to stop filming - once she declined, it is pretty much fair game for them to film and use footage.
Good point.
So? I mean, she agreed to stay and be filmed. What did anyone think the show was going to use her grief for? That they were going to film it and then burn the footage? It’s not the most tasteful thing to be using her grief in promos, but isn’t this specific thing kind of the point of the show?
Yeah, maybe. But that still doesn’t stoke outrage in me. I mean, I am sure she knows what’s up when she continued filming - this is going to be a prevalent story that a lot of viewers will be interested in.
If she was informed of his passing in private, and given the option to leave, but decided to continue filming, I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would be outraged? Maybe we should save our outrage for people that actually want it.
What exactly do you think would be the reasons for the father to be lying?What do you think he’s lying about.
Haha, yet another in a long line of dumb fuck responses from a dumb fuck commenter.
So....you are basically accusing this father of somehow being involved in his daughter’s rape, but everyone else is a “frothing internet warrior stirring up hysteria”? Interesting.
(It’s you’re.)
Why does it matter whether I live there? I can read. Just because you are playing this stupid “do we really know what happened” game doesn’t mean the rest of us need to act like stupid fucking morons.
We have a difference of opinion that we are discussing. Yes, that is an argument. I know how difficult this is for you.
This is going to be like the third time I’ve explained this. Your cognitive shortcomings obviously make it difficult for you to understand very basic concepts, so I will try to make this as simple and basic as possible:
I don’t know what “using to use those words” means, but of course irregardless should not show up in any thing you or your company write. it would be blatantly incorrect, and I can’t even believe I’m having this argument with an adult.