
The name of Ben Carson’s next autobiography should be “Possibly Apocryphal.”

Okay, Ben Carson is full of shit, but here’s a true story:

How is her “freedom” at jeopardy in this deposition in a civil case?

You are right, and most sexually-enlightened people probably would not care whether someone “chooses” to be gay anymore than someone chooses to masturbate or chooses to have a certain non-harmful fetish. However, the “it’s a choice” crowd should still be called out as wrong for several reasons:

Literally, that’s what you said. You may not have meant it literally, but it is literally what you said.

You don’t follow me? You literally accused us of making a thought crime for crtiticizing Carson’s opinion. The thing to do when someone says something that is wrong, however “politely” they say it, is to tell them they are wrong. There is nothing “absurd” about Gawker’s position.

I didn’t realize that challenging someone’s beliefs constituted making something “a thoughtcrime, actually prosecuted in the US.” When is Carson’s trial?

I mean, whatever. I love the Dead. I don’t listen to the music because it has some sort of special ethos, I listen to it because it is good. Although the idea of charging $85 for membership seems ridiculous.

This article is about the Hammonds. The Hammonds were previously convicted of a crime, have been resentenced, and have turned themselves in, as they always agreed to do. The Bundys and their ilk are different people than the Hammonds. It is the Bundys who have taken over the refuge. They say they are doing it to

You should probably try re-reading this article.

This isn’t what happened. After they were re-sentenced, they had always planned to turn themselves in. Today was the date they had been given for turning themselves in. It would be the same process whether they were black or white and hadn’t been committed to pre-trial detention (now, whether there is a racial

There are probably some real, useful conversations that could be had about topics ranging from the Bureau of Land Management’s relationship with ranchers out west, whether the BLM treats ranchers fairly or targets ranchers, and about the absurdity of mandatory minimum sentences. Maybe the Hammonds case was an

I don’t think they are huge revenue generators, but I think they generate a non-significant amount of revenue and also help generate some brand loyalty, or something. Not across the board, and it wouldn’t surprise me if some teams got rid of their squads or took other actions as a result. I just don’t think it would

I think you would be surprised how much money teams can make from a cheerleading squad, from calendars to appearances, etc. You probably hang out with people who don’t find much worth drooling over women in skimpy outfits, or at least don’t feel the need to do that in connection with their favorite athletic teams, but

I mean, isn’t their opinion on any subject completely negated completely by the fact they oppose a completely reasonable public health measure as an example of government overreach? (Seriously, that is far more disturbing to me - is this a newspaper people take seriously?)

It’s amazing. Liberals get accused ALL THE TIME of manufacturing outrage. These people are acting like they want to start a civil war because some guys duly convicted by a jury of arson will have to serve the legally mandated sentence for that crime. Christ.

It’s still not that easy. Do you think I could just go on Facebook, make a false accusation against a random person of prominence, and the person’s life is ruined?

You said it was “easy.” It’s not that easy. My response had everything to do with what you wrote.

Good response. Happy to have discussed with you. Very enlightening.

Doesn’t seem that easy. Seems like she went through years of abuse and then made a very intense and painful decision to come forward with her story. But I guess difficulty is relative.