
“I’m happy to be an SJW and I hope to write many Social Justice Games in the future”

I’m not just here to screw with you, but common man, that’s not true at all. The game categorically does not do that. I’m not denying it might have happened once as a fluke, not calling you a liar, but 8/10 is just crapping on a caring small team trying to make you a fun game that came out for free on a major console.

Good old Jez, ALWAYS part of the solution, fighting the fights that matter.

I’m not defending the, uhhh, whatever he represents. But let’s not get on our high horses and act like we can’t even understand how someone might feel that way.

Won the whole damn internet right here

Ok, that sucks and all, but the market is who decides whether you make a living doing what you like.

Evan is such a top tier cutting edge journalist that I’m sure he’ll have it for you right away.

TBF he did say “he is obviously Veg Eeta, dragon ball z"

You totally look stoned in that pic

You are SUCH a top tier journalist girl.

Well well, look at this EXTREMELY IMPORTANT detail Patrick will not tell you.


This just in!

Hey Pat, what about when she said on twitter “misogyny does not exist”?